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"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" — 1 Peter 5:8


The room was an utter mess, if one didn't know any better they'd believe this was an aftermath of a terrible brawl. Cigarettes, clothes, dirty dishes, empty and half drunken bottles of liquor were scattered everywhere, it was a wonder what this room truly looked like before the tragedy that befell it.

In the midst of the entire disaster laid two sleeping figures on the king sized bed at the center of the room, covered completely by a blanket. A loud groan bellowed followed by movements underneath the sheets and in the blink of an eye, the sheets were flung revealing two stark naked individuals.

John rose from the bed with such swift that'd make you doubt if he had truly just woken up a minute ago. He hurriedly jerked the sleeping female next to him awake and rushed around the room in his birthday suit, picking up his clothes from last night.

Last night was a blur in his mind and as he turned to look at the half awake woman on the bed, he knew it was the same for her. There was no need to fret, He was positive it would all come back to him when he was settled but for now he needed to get out of there.

He let out a sigh as he finished dressing up and turned to find the woman calmly laying on the bed, She stared at him with a dreamy look in her eyes and he smirked. Even in his disheveled state, he knew he could win over the most guarded heart, his looks and charm never failed him. He swiftly walked out of the room and tiptoed down the stairs

He quietly made his way past the living room to the front door, careful not make too much noise. No parent will behave in a reasonable manner seeing a male sneak out of their eldest daughter room at dawn.

"Who the hell are you?!" A feminine voice rang out just as he was about leaving the house.

He turned around and was met with a petite looking beautiful woman. He admired her appearance but knew she wasn't the type of woman he'd pursue. Plus she seemed too young for him anyways.

"You must be Lilian, you're very beautiful by the way" He complimented and watched with pride as a blush appeared on her cheeks


She cleared her throat and raised her head high, trying to appear unaffected but he could see right through her.

"Again I ask, who are you?" She voiced with false confidence

He wanted to keep toying with her but he had places to be and things to get done, so he decided to cut the conversation short.

"John Pierce, but everyone calls me JP. Ask your sister, she'll tell you about me" He answered and walked out the front door

His velvety voice was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine and Lilian wasn't an exception.


"Dude, I can't believe you actually did it" Jason exclaimed in bewilderment.

"What?, You have such little faith in me" John scoffed and the others stared at him in shock.

"Honestly, I now truly believe no woman can resist you" Matt muttered to himself but John heard and an automatic smirk grazed his lips.

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