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"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" —Isaiah 55:8-9



I was shivering all over as I walked in the heavy downpour. I had just left the home a little while ago when the rainfall began and I had gone too far to turn back, so I decided to keep going hoping it'd stop soon. I was so wrong, it only grew more intense with each passing minute.

There was no place to hide, this was an open space so I had to keep going. A loud honk jolted me from my thoughts, I turned around and was met with a red BMW heading towards me, the windscreen was darkened so I couldn't make out the figure in car.

The car finally came to a halt next to me, I looked in and my eyes widened when I saw the boy I met at the library two days ago.

"Hey, how about I give you a lift?" He asked, each word smoothly rolling of his tongue.

"Hey, thank you so much" I would have normally declined since I didn't know him well but I needed the ride and my place was still about fifteen minutes from here.

I got into the car and laid my head against the headrest with a sigh. I felt uncomfortable as my wet clothes clung to my body, it worsened as my hair stuck to my neck and face, my socks and shoes were soaked, I didn't like getting drenched.

"Where to?" His soft voice resonated around the car

"The library, thank you so much for this" I said and he smiled

"Don't mention, I'm simply repaying a debt"

"A debt?" I questioned

"I owe you one for what you did for me the last time we met" He explained

"I did nothing to require you paying me back" I frowned in confusion and he simply smiled.

"You wouldn't understand. Words are person's greatest weapon" He stated.

I was beyond lost, so I decided to stay quiet and listen to the harsh yet refreshing sound of the rain hitting the car.

"You still going to open the library on a day like this?" He asked

"Yeah, what's better than a steaming cup of tea and a book on a rainy day?" I joked

"Nothing, absolutely nothing" He replied and we both smiled

The rest of the ride was spent in silence as I pondered on my recently struck deal with JP. Although I had been putting him in my prayers and interceding for him ever since the day we crossed paths, I was still confused by the whole thing. Was this all God's will?, I needed to pray for clarity.

"We're here" The guy announced snapping me out of my thoughts.

A thought suddenly hit me and I tilted my head at him.

"Y'know, I never got your name" I announced and he smiled

"Shadrach but my friends call me Shred"

Shadrach?, That's a beautiful name.

"Thank you" He said and I pursed my lips, realizing I had said that aloud.

"Before I go, I have something for you" I pulled out a card from my bag and handed it to him

"What's this?" He examined the words written on the card with a confusion.

"It's my friends number. She's a Christain therapist, I feel you both would click well and she could help you out with what you're struggling with." I explained

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