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"‭‭But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." — Psalm 86:15



"Hey guys" I said and they turned to face me

In the blink of an eye, all three of them threw themselves on me. I stumbled but managed to keep my balance, I was trapped in of one of the tightest group hug ever.

"Guys, I need to breathe" I choked out in amusement

I was freed in a second but the happy and emotional looks on their faces were replaced with deep frowns and harsh glares.

"I don't even know what to say to you. When will you stop giving us heart attacks?" Matt half yelled

"We were worried sick dude, don't you ever think of us before you embark on your crazy adventures?" Jason huffed with annoyance

"Please John, I've yelled countless times but right now I'm begging you instead. We know you've been through a whole lot and yeah you're allowed to be sad, miserable or what not, just don't ever do anything to end your life or hurt yourself. That's all we ask" Shred pleaded with desperation in his eyes.

Although I wasn't planning at doing anything drastic today, guilt began gnawing at my chest. They really did go through a lot because of me, I cleared my throat and sighed before replying

"I'm sorry you guys, for how selfish I've been acting. I promise to do better" I apologized

It was really hard for me to accept that there were people who truly loved me but now that I had come to that understanding, I didn't want to lose them by not treating them right.

"It's cool, it has always been quite an adventure" Jason chuckled and the others smiled

"Alright, bring it in for round two" Matt said as he hugged me and soon enough it became another incredibly tight group hug

Our laughter ceased and we hurriedly separated as we heard cooing behind us.

Alaine and Sheila giggled at our attempt to act natural.

"You guys saw nothing" Jason threatened with narrowed eyes and they laughed

"Yeah sure, we definitely didn't" Alaine agreed with a mischievous smile

"Hey Alaine, who's your friend?" Matt asked

"Oh yeah, this is Sheila. Sheila this is Matt, Jason, you've already met John and Shred" Sheila eyes moved from one person to another as Alaine introduced us but her eyes seemed to linger on Shred a little longer

"Nice to officially meet you guys" She said

"Nice to meet you too" Matt spoke for the group

I was about speaking when Jason suddenly pulled me by my arm, he dragged me away to a corner and everyone watched in confusion.

"Dude what's up?" I asked with a frown

"You've gotta come to tonight's party" He replied

"Party?, Whose party?"

"Mine. My team and I are throwing a party to celebrate our last week's victory" He explained and I became more confused

"What victory?"

"We beat the best team in the league last week, thereby making us the best team in the league. So there's going to be a party tonight in celebration of our win, everyone is going to be there"

IN LOVE'S EMBRACE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن