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"Within the covers of the bible are the answers for all the problems men face"— Ronald Reagan



I jerked awake panting with wide eyes. My heart drummed against my chest at an unusual pace, I shut my eyes as I tried calming myself.

My mind tried replaying every detail of the nightmare I had just woken from but it was to no avail. I had no recollection of it, the only evidence of it was the wild thumping of my heart and the fear within me.

A loud rustle from my window caught my ears and for the first time in a long while, I was genuinely scared. If I thought my heart couldn't go any faster than it already was, I was incredibly mistaken. I hurriedly got up from the bed and turned on the lights, I looked in the direction of my window and sighed when I realized it was nothing but the trees and wind.

I grabbed my phone In an attempt to distract myself. The first message that popped on the screen was from Alaine.

Al: Hope you're home now?. Don't forget to pray tonight <3.

The message was sent at 10:45pm and it was currently midnight. As much as it warmed my heart that she texted, the only thing I could really focus on was the last part of her message.

Don't forget to pray tonight.

Everything within me fought against the next action I was about taking, I had no support aside from the tiny part of me that willed me to keep going. I sighed and got on my knees, my heart was still very much racing and I was as scared as ever but I shut my eyes nevertheless.

What was it that made me scared?. I had no idea

"Hey, God" I began, "This feels incredibly silly but I'm still going to do it anyways. I don't think I've ever come to you like this before but there's a first time for everything i guess, I'll start off by saying thank you for everything you've done for me, all the times you've saved my life even if I didn't deserve it. God, I'm a mess, my whole life is a mess and honestly I don't even know what to say to you right now. I'm just really scared, I don't know why but I am, I can't remember the nightmare I had and that bothers me, I'm mentally drained. I have no right coming to you seeing as I've never once done anything with your good in mind but you keep helping...why?. I paused

"It baffles me that you constantly show me mercy when I know very well that I'm not worthy of it. I don't know what to say except thank you, I feel too dirty to stand before you and make a request so I'm just gonna round it all up by saying a big thank you. Amen" I rose to my feet

I didn't really feel any better but I was glad I finally thanked God because I know for a fact that he has been the one sparing my life. I looked back at my mysterious healing and the dream I had right before it, God truly had been there for me.

I laid on my bed and let my mind wander. I tried to remember the details of the dream but it was all hazy, I did recall one thing I would never forget though. The words he spoke.

Jehovah Rapha

I had no idea what that meant. I sat up and grabbed my laptop, I went on Google and typed in the phrase "Jehovah Rapha".

The God who heals.

My eyes widened in realization, he healed me. I had experienced Jehovah Rapha work his miracle in my life and I didn't even know it. Suddenly, it all began to make sense but at the same time, overwhelm me.

I got up and knelt next to my bed. I pulled out an old box from underneath it and dusted away the cobwebs that resided on it. The box opened with a creak, a huge wave of nostalgia hit me as I stared at the contents in it.

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