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"She let the jealousy slip out of her fingertips"— Jodi Lynn Anderson



"Oh my goodness, you went on a date with John!" Sheila yelled, her voice echoing off the bathroom walls

"Shhhhh" I cautioned, on guard for listening ears

"Oh my goodness, you went on a date with John" She repeated whispering

"It wasn't a date. Can't a girl and a guy hang out without people thinking there's more to it?" I corrected and she rolled her eyes

"Uh uhn, cause when I hang out with a male friend he plans me a huge surprise with the help of his friends, cooks me dinner, calls my friend to know what sort of flowers i like then gifts them to me, buys me a new dress and jewelry to wear specially for him, slow dances with me, star gazes with me, holds my hand and run around in the rain with me all in the dead of the night. Yeah, it definitely wasn't a date" She sarcastically said and I chuckled

"What exactly are you trying to say Sheila?, Stop going through corners"

"John has feelings for you" She replied almost immediately

"What?, No way. There's absolutely no way"

I won't deny that the thought had crossed my mind but anytime time it did, I'd immediately dismiss it because it couldn't be true...right?

"I know you see it too" She stated

"John can't like me"

"Why not?"

"Because..." I had no valid explanation, it was just hard to believe that John could picture me as anything more than a friend, we were two completely different people.

Sheila was about responding when the bathroom door swung open. Two ladies walked in, the taller and more matured looking one moved with elegance and confidence while the other simply trailed behind her with her head down and a scowl on her face. The matured looking one had hair just like mine, ebony black and curly, she had on a crop top and black leather pants with black boots which she amazingly rocked, while the other scowling one was red-headed and had on a simple white flared gown.

"Hurry up" The Black haired one said.

Sheila and I shared a look before turning back to watch them. The red head nodded and entered into one of the stalls leaving us alone with her partner

I gave Sheila a gentle tap signalling we should take our leave. She didn't need to be told twice as we both grabbed out bags and headed for the door.

"Alaine Davies" A voice called out just as I was about pulling the door open

I turned around and was met with the strange lady smiling at me. There was something about her smile that threw me off, I could tell it was fake.

"Um hi?" I replied as she walked towards me

She came to a halt right in front of me and her smile grew wider.

"Hi, I'm Simone. Simone Hills" She extended her hand and I shook it

"Nice to meet you Simone. May I ask how you know my name?" I questioned and her fake smile grew wider

"I've heard a lot about you, words get around faster than you might think." She paused. "You're prettier than I imagined"

"Words about me?" I was beyond confused and judging by the look on her face, she enjoyed me being in the dark

"All will be revealed in due time, just know you're going to be seeing me around quite a lot" She stated and I frowned

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