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"God never allows pain without a purpose"— Jerry Bridges



My vision blurred as I walked into the rain. I was grateful for its concealment, I couldn't decipher where my tears began and the rain ended.

Sheila held on to me and walked me to her car. I moved at a snail's pace, secretly praying John would run out the door and beg me to stay. He'd tell me how it was all a misunderstanding, only a prank, and we'd all laugh about it.

I was about ten steps away from the car. The moment I get in, it was all over. The end had come. I shook as more tears profusely raced down my cheeks.

Nine steps

Please, come out.

Eight steps

Say it wasn't true

Seven steps

John, please

Six steps

It wasn't meant to end like this

Five steps

What are you waiting for?!.

Four steps


Three steps

I trusted you

Two steps

I cared for you

One step

Please, don't do this, please.

I took the final step and fell to my knees. Luckily, Shiela caught me before I hit the ground. I couldn't control the tears, they kept flowing till my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest.

I looked up at the sky and cried even more.

"Abba, how could you let this happen?. Why did you let this happen?." I thought

Sheila rubbed my back in comfort and we remained like that for a while, drenched and cold but neither of us cared.

"Go without me, I'd like be alone for a while" I croaked out, my voice laced with pain

She frowned and shook her head

"There's no way I'm leaving you alone like this" She stated

"Please Sheila, please. I promise I'll be fine" I pleaded, facing her

"No!" She said firmly. "I'm not leaving you"

"I need to gather my thoughts. I really mean it, I want to be alone right now, it's the only way you can help me" I firmly stated

She remained quiet and raised me to my feet

"But it's raining" She pointed out

"I know" I replied, walking away from her

I walked as quickly as my legs could carry me, till I was physically far from the cause of my pain. I had no destination, I didn't want to go home. He had been in my house, and memories of him were evidently written on the walls.

My legs moved on their own accord desperate to get far from him. I suddenly found myself passing by the pathway to the cliff, the one place I came to escape the world.

It wasn't the same anymore, the wind and trees there breathed his very essence. I cried out in agony as memories of our time there flashed in my mind. Every word he had ever uttered repeatedly played in my mind

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