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"If you're fighting sin, then you're alive. Take heart. But if sin holds sway unopposed, you're dead no matter how lovely this sin makes you feel.

Take heart, embattled saint"- John Owen



I walked around the library, checking every aisle and making sure everything was in order. A sense of familiarity and comfort washed over me as I inhaled the intoxicating smell of the books around me, I sighed in pure ecstasy. The smell of books always reminded me of home, which was why I didn't hesitate to accept a job here when the owner offered me one.

Ellen, the owner of the library, was in her late sixties and was still as vibrant as ever. I got pretty close to her during my frequent visits here, she emitted the same aura as my mom and that was the basis as to why we clicked so well. She noticed my love for books and thought I'd make an excellent employee. So here I was, a part time worker at my second favorite place.

Ellen had travelled to go see her family and left me in charge, confident in my ability to oversee everything in her absence and I earnestly wanted to make her proud.

Lost in thoughts, I didn't notice a boy coming my way engrossed in his book till we collided and crashed to the ground. We both winced in pain as we slowly rose to our feet.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you coming" He apologized

I looked up at him and his striking features immediately caught my attention. He had green eyes that sparkled, his hair was brown and curly and his lips full and plum, his eye brows were thick and smooth but I was more focused on the sharpness of his jawline

"It's fine. I'm sorry too, I should have paid more attention to my surroundings" I apologized but his attention was elsewhere.

His eyes moved frantically searching for something until they landed at my feet. I looked down and found a book right next to my legs, we both instinctively reached out to pick up the book but I got to it first, thus leading to our foreheads colliding.

"Ow!" I cried out in pain as we both mumbled our apologizes

I was about handing him the book when the title caught my attention, written boldly on the front cover in italics was the heading "BATTLING WITH SEXUAL ADDICTIONS". Before I could ponder on it, the book was quickly snatched from my grasps, the boy held it tightly to his chest and looked down at his feet. His cheeks were red in embarrassment and his eyes were looking everywhere but at me, I was about to say something when he hurriedly walked away without so much as a second glance.

My heart ached for him and I felt an intense urge to go after him but I brushed it aside. The more I ignored it, the fiercer the urge grew.

         "Go after him, beloved."

A thought prompted by the holy spirit resonated within me and I sprinted after him. I honestly didn't know what I was going to say but I knew God would take control.

I spotted him about to walk out of the building and I ran faster.

"Wait!" I yelled after him and he paused in his tracks

He turned around and I halted when I got close enough, panting heavily.

This was a huge library.

"Hey" I breathed out

"Hey?" he responded uncertainly

Inhaling deeply, I silently prayed and let the words flowed easily

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