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"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17



I sighed as I laid calmly on the soft grass, the sky was gloomy but held an odd sense of beauty to it, the breeze blew in every direction relaxing me, I was at peace here. I turned my head and watched as Alaine peacefully slept, it had been a week since our agreement begun and although I would never admit it to anyone but myself, I really enjoyed the time I spent with her.

I couldn't remember the last time I saw or even hanged out with my friends, I had been spending all my time with her. Just because I enjoyed being around her didn't mean I had forgotten my mission, I still planned on winning my bet with the guys, being around her was only a bonus I was relishing in. I realized with her, slow and steady won the race, I couldn't rush things unless I planned on failing.

We had just finished our usual morning session with God and were laying on the blanket she spread on the grass. Today's session didn't take long because she was just returning home from a vigil by the time I got to her place, she was half asleep throughout the whole ride here. I protested against her coming and told her to go rest, I mean she had already spent enough time with God for one day, but she stubbornly refused.

So immediately she finished reading a chapter of the Bible, she laid down to 'rest her eyes' and fell asleep as soon as her back hit the blanket. She had been asleep for about an hour now, it surprised me how she managed to peacefully fall asleep with me here, wasn't she scared that I might harm her?. Not that I would ever do something of a sort but still, she was too trusting for her own good.

It was almost 8 and I decided to tap her awake, she didn't budge and the few times she did, she mumbled gibberish and went right back to sleep. I found it amusing and I really wanted to keep toying with her but she needed to rest properly.

Even if I did manage to wake her up, it was long hike down from here and I didn't think she'd be able to handle it in her current state.

"Al?" I said, gently tapping her.

She finally opened her eyes to look at me and I had never felt so enchanted by a pair of blue eyes before. Perhaps it was just me but they sparkled a bit.

"It's time to go, let's get you home" I said and she groaned, shutting her eyes.

Too bad, I wanted to look at them more.

I helped her up and packed everything into her bag. I stretched out my hand towards her and she placed hers in mine, her palm was soft and warm and my grip tightened, I firmly held on to her and walked her down the cliff. It didn't take long before we got to the car, I opened the back seat door and reluctantly released her hand, she got in and laid on the seat.

I drove her home as she calmly slept in the back seat. I had a class by 8 but I didn't mind missing it to be with her, I honestly didn't plan on attending the class in the first place.

I parked right in front of the house, I was about turning to tap her awake when she rose up and opened the door. She began walking towards the front door and I tagged along.

"Thanks for your help John, do you want to come in?" She drowsily said as she weakly held on to the doorknob

"You need rest, I'll give you some space." I replied and she gave me a small smile.

"Alright" she pushed the door open and soon enough I was heading back to my car.

Might as well go for class.


"And that struck the end of their alliance..." Miss Joyce paused as I walked into class.

Everyone's attention shifted to me and I scanned the room for familiar faces, I sighed when I sighted Shadrach staring at me with a raised brow. We always had our classes together, we both had the same major after all. I was glad I didn't have to sit through this alone.

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