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"The more time you spend with God, the more you'll resemble him" — Elizabeth George



I slammed my car door shut and turned on the radio. Listening to a catchy jingle that was on, I began humming along as I turned on the ignition. It was 5:30 at dawn and I was driving through the quiet street towards a house I never imagined I would ever.

I wasn't a morning person but today was the beginning of something new and getting up early was a part of the plan. I drove to my destination and looked around patiently waiting for her, I smirked when I sighted a tall beautiful and slender lady in an hoodie coming my way with a bag strapped to her back. She opened the door and got in with a sigh.

"Good morning" Alaine turned to greet me with a smile

"Good morning. Just know, It should be illegal for anyone to be awake by this time" I rubbed my drowsy eyes and her smile grew wider

"You're definitely not a morning person. Let's go" She announced and I started the car.

"Where to?" I questioned.

I had no Idea why I was here by this time of the day. All she told me was to pick her up on Monday by 5:30 in the morning, I didn't know where we were headed or why we were heading there.

"Just keep driving straight, I'll tell you when to turn" She calmly replied

"Okay" I muttered with uncertainty

"You sure this isn't some sort of elaborate plan to kidnap me?. A lot of women would rise up to avenge me" I joked and she laughed

"Don't worry, you're safe with me. Plus if I wanted to kidnap you, you wouldn't be the one driving" She responded

"Well you're the one directing me, I go where ever you say. What if you have some men hiding in a bush somewhere, waiting for us to pass by and then they pounce?"

"You have an over active imagination. Also why would I want to kidnap you?, What purpose could you serve to me?"

"Well, you could kidnap me to get out of our agreement. After all, your reputation would be ruined by the time people start noticing us together, you should only be moving with your kind" I jokingly stated although there was an ounce of truth in it.

We were followers of two different paths, I'd be a stain to her reputation.

"Your salvation is way more important than any dumb reputation. Plus it is the sick who needs a doctor not the healthy" She voiced and I bit my lips to hide back my smirk.

If only she knew

I kept on driving and following her directions till we pulled up to an unfamiliar part of town. I turned to look at Alaine as I drove past some bushes and trees, she appeared relaxed, too relaxed.

"Okay I know we were only messing around before but I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with this arrangement" I voiced

"We're almost there, trust me" She reassured

Trust her?. I don't trust myself speak less of trusting anyone else, especially a girl I just met about a week ago.

"Stop here!" She bellowed and I immediately halted the car

I took a look around and there were only few houses around, this area was filled with more of trees than people.

"Let's go" She said as she got out of the car and strapped on her bag

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