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Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."— Matthew 11:28



I sighed and folded my arms as I watched him shift on his feet before me, he avoided eye contact and cleared his throat a couple times.

We had been standing in this corner for more than a minute and he was yet to say anything. I was exiting a classroom after taking a test of one of my most challenging courses when he pulled me by my hand and into this little corner that were currently standing in.

"Well?" I said, hoping he'd finally say something

"That's all?, I thought you'd be glad that I'm okay" He lowly voiced

"Oh I am, even after you lied to me and violated my trust"

"Don't put it that way, you make it sound worse than it is"

"I'm saying it exactly how it is, JP" I replied and emphasized on his nickname

John frowned and shook his head, he looked remorseful but I still wasn't going easy on him.

"Don't call me that, anyone else can call me that but not you. If you've noticed, ever since you began calling me by my real name, everyone else has been doing the same"

"So you don't want me to call your nickname, so others won't continue calling you by it?, That's all you're worried about?" I asked in incredulity

"No, no, no. Don't get me wrong, I like when you say my name, you say it differently"

"I pronounce it like everyone else"

"It's not about the pronunciation, you just say it differently but I'm not here to discuss that"

"Then why are you here?" I placed my arms akimbo and raised an eyebrow

"I want to apologize, I'm sorry for lying to you and going to the party behind your back" He voiced and I sighed

"Are you really sorry?" I questioned and for a moment he looked hopeful as he fervently nod his head

"Let's say things turned out differently, you didn't get drugged, you ended up having the time of your life, would you have felt remorseful that you lied to me and come back to confess?" I asked and patiently waited for an answer

He hesitated for a long while as he pondered on it, he slowly looked up at me and said nothing. I scoffed and shook my head

"You aren't sorry you lied, you're sorry you got caught" I stated and walked away.

I expected him to follow behind me but my hopes were dashed, he simply stood there and watched me leave. I wasn't mad at him, I was disappointed and if he were expecting me to call off the deal, he was in for a huge shock, his salvation meant more to me than my emotions. I trusted him and he broke it, he didn't put my feelings into consideration, that was what hurt me.

I paused in my steps as I sighted Jason heading towards me

"Hey Alaine" He greeted with a smile

"Hey Jason" I replied

"You on your way home?" He asked and I gave a small nod

"How about a ride then?, I'm about leaving too"

"Did he put you up to this?" He looked taken aback by my question

"I have no idea what you're talking about" He answered and I frowned

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