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"For God does not show favoritism" — Romans 2:11



I twisted and turned everywhere, I just wasn't comfortable enough to fall asleep, perhaps it was the bed. Who was I kidding?, The bed was perfectly fine, it was my mind that wasn't. I couldn't get myself to stop thinking about Alaine, especially after the event of yesterday.

I groaned as my alarm went off, it was already five in the morning and I barely got any shut eye. I reluctantly rose to my feet and headed to the bathroom, I did all I had to and was out of house quicker than I expected

My car was out for repairs so I decided to get a motorcycle for the main time. It was brand new and already had memories attached to it, I smiled as I recollected yesterday's ride with Alaine.

Memories of her kept filling my mind and it all began yesterday. I couldn't pin point exactly what about her captivated me, perhaps it was how lovingly she acted with the kids or how transfixed she was to the screen when the movie was playing. Speaking of the movie, I barely paid attention to it, I instead busied myself with watching her, every giggle, every frown, every gasp, every single reaction.

I needed to get my head together, I had a mission and nothing should distract me from that. Hopefully, I'd be over this in a few days time.

I parked right opposite her house and watched as she hurriedly ran out the front door. She was wearing a fitted white floral gown that ended right on her knees, her hair was styled into a bun with long tendrils falling on both sides of her face, she ended the whole fit with a pair of black boots and a bag strapped to one shoulder.

She looked fabulous, no one could deny that. I groaned, of all days she decides to dress up, why did it have to be today?, When I was trying to get her off my mind.

"You look good, what's with the get up though?" I said trying to appear unaffected as she approached me.

"Thanks. I don't know, just felt like dressing up today" She shrugged

"Well, let's get going. The twins will wake up soon and they would try to stop me from leaving" She added and got on the bike

A smile formed on my lips at the mention of the two adorable children, I really did enjoy the little time I spent with them.

I snapped out of my thoughts as she placed her hands on my shoulders, I exhaled and paused for a while before driving off.

Our quiet time with God always went the same way, Alaine doing the worship and prayer while I watched,  then she'd read the Bible aloud with hopes that I was listening. Sh would say and scribble down or mark out parts that touched her or things that were revealed to her. I was expecting the same today until she decided to have a conversation before starting.

"Why don't you ever try joining in during the sessions?" She asked with folded arms

"Because I want nothing to do with your God. it's your job to change my mentality, I don't have to lift a finger" I replied with a smirk.

I expected her frustrated but she instead stared at me with a confused frown.

"You know God exists but you want nothing to do with him, why?" She inquired

"Because he isn't who people paint him out to be"

"How would you know that?, It's quite obvious you've never taken your time to know him or seek him"

"You're right, I've never but I have watched the lives of the christians around me and he has never been faithful to them."

"That can never be true. Plus how sure are you that these 'christians' were true christians?" I scoffed and shook my head with a frown

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