Chapter 5

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"I completely understand. Killian was forced into a marriage he didn't want to be in, and I'm sure he's unhappy about it, but that doesn't mean I hate him; after all, he's my husband."

I tried to sound harmless to Lizé, who would soon meet Killian and tell him my story. It worked, and Lizé's face lit up.

"You're so mature and sweet, Miss Edith!"

"Oh my, Miss Lizé, you are very kind, and your dress looks great on you today– no, I think it looks great because of you."

I mean it.

Wow, can she really be this pretty...... I wish I could bite down on those plump cheeks and munch on them.

Lizé, ditch Cliff and come live with me. I'll take care of you!

"Ah, you must be tired, but I've been holding on to you too long. I'm sorry, you can rest, and Killian will be here later......"

The blush on her cheeks was cute.

I'm sure it's embarrassing to think about Killian's first night after being like brother and sister for five years.

But don't worry, Lizé, it's not going to happen.

I waved to Lizé as she walked away, and I was finally left alone in the silence.

"Whoa, is the wedding episode finally over?"

Flopping down on the bed, I sighed and threw off the nightgown the maid had painstakingly put on me and soaked in the bathtub on the far side of the room, behind the curtain.

"Ha...... it's nice and hot."

The bathtub was set aside for the couple to wash themselves after finishing their lovemaking. It was a little hot, but it was just the right temperature for me, who loved going to the sauna in my previous life.

As I soaked in the hot water, the aches and pains in my body seemed to slowly dissipate.

"Being the daughter-in-law of a duke's family means you can have a maid help you fill the bathtub, that's amazing."

As annoying as Count Riegelhoff was, and as cold as Killian was, this possession was a blessing in disguise.

It's an inconvenient world without smartphones and the internet, but I have luxuries I never imagined when I was Choi Soo-na.

In this world, there are books, plays, operas, hunting tournaments, picnics, parties, and balls.

I don't have to go to work, I'm free from housework, I don't have to worry about the balance in my bank account, and I don't have to worry about my brother threatening to borrow money in my name.

"Now, if I could only cut ties with my family......"

I have the confidence to live quietly and enjoy my life in the Ludwig family without disturbing the male lead, female lead, or even the second male lead, my husband, but Count Riegelhoff is a different matter.

Even if I live quietly, if Count Riegelhoff behaves according to the original story, I will be accused of being a spy for my family and my head will be cut off.

'It is a suspicious marriage, indeed, a conspiracy.'

Duke Ludwig suspected Count Riegelhoff of being in league with Archduke Langston, who coveted the Emperor's throne, then Count Riegelhoff offered a marriage alliance to prove his innocence.

It was rumored that Count Riegelhoff favored his daughter Edith, so this was a hostage situation.

Killian was understandably reluctant, but Duke Ludwig, who had to hold Count Riegelhoff's leash for the time being, persuaded him.

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