Chapter 25

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"I feel sick just thinking about her. How sneaky of that piece of shit to pretend to be nice and innocent, and woo the Duke and Duchess of Ludwig."

"Trouble is, that sneaky bitch also seduced Cliff and Killian. I guess Killian has given up halfway, seeing as how he's married Edith, but it's made it more likely that Lizé will marry Cliff."

"Are you kidding me?" Leila shouted, as if spewing fire.

"This isn't going to be solved by you being so angry."

"You're saying that if I marry Killian, I'll have to treat her like she's above me? I absolutely don't want that!"

"That's why I'm saying Lizé is more of a problem than Edith. Besides, if Lizé becomes Cliff's wife, it'll be harder for our family to become part of the Duke's entourage, and she's probably the biggest obstacle to you marrying Killian."

Leila's eyes seemed to darken. "That wench is a sin for being born, and for that to make her the Duchess of Ludwig is ridiculous."

"So we'll have to figure out something to do with that wench before you take the seat next to Killian."

Silence fell over the Sinclair siblings.

They had to get rid of Lizé, but there was no way they were going to put their blades to her when she had the complete favor of Cliff and the Duke of Ludwig.

Leila, who had been tapping her fingers nervously on the armrest of the sofa, suddenly stopped and spoke cautiously, "How about using Edith Riegelhoff?"

"What do you mean?" Anton asked, frowning.

Leila's expression broke into a smile. "Edith must have a crush on Killian, given how she bragged about him before they were married. So I'm guessing she hates Lizé too, right?"

At that, Damien nodded slowly. "Yeah, I don't know any girl who wouldn't have a crush on Killian."

"We just need to poke Edith in the side, so she'll hate Lizé even more, and then we'll lay the table and she'll take care of the rest."

"Hmm...... you do have a good idea sometimes."

"I know, right? If it's about Killian, sister will be racking her brains!"

"Are you done talking?"

The three siblings, who resembled each other, laughed merrily. But there was a sinister undertone to their laughter that sent shivers down the spines of the maids who were attending to them.


I spent my probation days like I was on vacation.

I had gotten out of the habit of dressing up my dolls and was passing the time by practicing my embroidery.


"Mama! You startled me!"

Thanks to Killian's sudden burst into my room, I pricked my fingertip on the needle, bleeding.

"Killian, do you have no manners for knocking before–"

"A document in your handwriting has been found, and you're telling me this isn't your doing?"

He grabbed both my forearms in a painful grip and shook me.

"Ah! It hurts, let me go and talk properly!"

"My father will be calling for you any minute now, what are you going to say to him?"

He looked impatient and nervous. I don't know why he's so upset that they found evidence that points to me as the culprit.

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