Chapter 6

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"Earlier, when I was walking Miss Edith out the door...... she complimented me on my dress. At the time, I thought it was just a compliment, and I was happy......"

Lizé fiddled with the hem of her dress. The dress she was wearing today was bought for her by Killian, who wanted her to wear it at his wedding.

She'd resisted the idea of wearing a white dress to a wedding, but Killian had begged her, saying, "This is ivory, not white."

Besides, Edith's dress is white with a lot of gold threads, so it's a lot more glamorous than this dress, so she thought it would be okay to wear something more modest.

But if Edith's compliment, "Your dress looks great on you," was meant to be sarcastic, she must have looked funny for grinning widely in front of her without realizing what she really meant.

"Do you think Miss Edith was offended?"

Killian gritted his teeth at the mention of Lizé's dress.

'How cowardly to talk to the powerless Lizé, when you know very well that it was Ludwig's family who prepared her dress......'

But Killian couldn't see Lizé's heartbreak at the mention of this.

"No way. Given the dress she was wearing today, there was no way she'd be sensitive about your dress."

"Oh, Miss Edith was so pretty today, so sparkly and......."

"She looked vulgar."

"What do you mean, Killian, how can you call your own wife vulgar?" Lizé asked, looking shocked.

Killian quickly calmed his ferocity. "I'm sorry, that was a harsh word to use in front of you."

"Your apology should not be to me, but to Miss Edith! Don't you even feel sorry for her? She's come here alone, where she doesn't know anyone, trusting only you, and you're supposed to look after her."

But Lizé's concern for Edith broke Killian's heart.

He grabbed her wrist and asked in a low voice, "Did you mean what you said?"


"You're mean, Lizé. Do you really have no idea how I got through today......?"

Lizé's blue eyes trembled uneasily.

Killian was sure she knew his heart.

Lizé was someone who could not express any opinion about this marriage. Maybe this was her way of trying to soothe his heart.


"Killian, I'm...... I'm......"

As Lizé was at a loss for words, Killian lifted her chin, the look of surprise on her face was adorable.

How comforting it was to see such sweetness and innocence, like spring sunshine.

Killian slowly brought his lips to hers.


If it weren't for the interruption, Killian might have been able to kiss her.

"C- Cliff!"

Pulling away from Killian, Lizé waved at Cliff with an awkward smile.

"That guy is really......" Killian growled lowly, but Lizé pretended not to hear.

And then Cliff who had ruined Killian's precious moment walked over, looking as if he hadn't seen the two about to kiss at all.

"I'm surprised you're not in your room. It's late at night, but Killian, why are you out here, leaving the bride alone?"

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