Chapter 79

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The sound of his laughter drew surprised glances from the people in the cafe.

I've been attracting attention ever since I made a scene with the ladies earlier, but I guess there's a different kind of shock when the second most handsome man in the world–the first for me–laughs.

"You're still laughing?"

"Haha...... haha, ah...... I don't know how long it's been since I've laughed like this."

Killian kept wiping at his eyes, as if his laughter had brought tears to his eyes.

Fortunately, there was no more displeasure on his face.

"When I heard that the woman who was to be my wife was rumored to be a wicked woman, I thought my life was in disaster, but I never thought I'd be so refreshed by her."

"That's why there's a saying 'Live long and see what happens'." [1]

[1] If you live long enough, you'll see a lot of different things or you'll have a lot of different experiences.

"Do you agree that you are a wicked woman?"

"Let's just say it's a matter of perspective."

Killian's shoulders shook again, and he finally calmed down and took a sip of his cold tea.

"As I'm sure you've heard, those lowlifes at the Sinclairs are desperate to discredit Lizé. They're spreading ridiculous rumors that will get you slathered with the mud, too."

"Well, the more famous and successful you are, the more you're going to be plagued by rumors like that. Don't worry too much, they'll die down quickly."

They're doing it because they don't know. But when they see Lizé at Cliff's side at the National Day ball, they'll realize how wrong they've been, and they'll deeply regret it.

And then they'll destroy themselves by shoveling their own graves.

"You know, you never cease to amaze me."


"If it were anybody else, the first time they heard the same rumor, they would have gotten mad at me or tried to hurt Lizé."


"Because...... I was in love with Lizé."

For the first time, Killian admitted his love.

He didn't look distressed, but there was a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"That's not the same as the rumors those ladies were talking about earlier."

"It doesn't matter to them, because they'll think the fact that you acted in a way that caused those rumors is the problem."

Then Killian smirked and shrugged. "No, you don't love me, so it doesn't really matter, does it?"

He is smiling, but somehow he looks even more bitter than he did earlier.

I wonder if he feels unloved, even by a supporting character like me.

"Killian, I......"

I opened my mouth to try to comfort him somehow, but Killian didn't hear me and called the cafe staff to ask for the bill.

It's probably for the best.

If I tell him I love him here, I don't think I'll be able to handle it.


Returning to the mansion after an enjoyable outing, I found that the mansion was still in a frenzy.

'I wonder if the boutique people have returned yet?'

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