Chapter 111

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"We have finished cleaning up the surrounding area."

Ah, that's not good news for me at all.

"Good. Lock the Duchess in the first room. She's a valuable hostage, so make sure she doesn't get hurt."

A man who appeared to be a mercenary asked, pointing to Lizé. "Are you going to lock her in a separate room?"

"Oh, she's not a hostage. She's my booty."

Ugh. I wonder how Cliff would kill Shane, would he just slit his throat, or split him in half lengthwise......?

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he would split him in half lengthwise if he keeps going like that.

No, this is not the time for me to be thinking about this.

I'm about to get beaten up by that crazy woman, Sophia.

"What about her?" The mercenary pointed at me.

"Take that bitch to the basement. I don't want to hear her screaming around here."

I felt goosebumps break out all over my body, even though I was cold.

From now on, "I Refuse Your Obsession" was going to be a horrifying thriller, not a romantic fantasy.


At Shane's command, the men around me picked me up and carried me out of the room.

Once we were out of the stone room, I could see my surroundings clearly.

'Not a castle, probably an old villa outside the capital......'

There seems to have been a time when it was popular for aristocrats who had never gotten their hands in the dirt but longed for country life to build farmhouse-style villas.

It looks like it was built at that time, but there were traces of people everywhere, even though it was abandoned.

'They must have bought an abandoned villa and used it to house and feed their mercenaries.'

If we the hostages haven't been found yet, it's most likely that this is a fairly remote and unexpected place.

Will Cliff get here before my bones break?

I sighed.

'No. The way Shane looked at Lizé earlier, he looked like he was about to do something. But isn't the rule in this world that the male lead appears right before the female protagonist experiences something terrible?'

So that means Cliff is going to be here sooner or later.

'Just hang in there, just hang in there......!'

I soothed my growing anxiety as we descended the stairs to the basement, my body draped over the mercenary's shoulder.

The basement was semi-subterranean, with a window at the top, but since it was still dawn, it was dark.

The mercenary leading the way trudged along with a lantern and opened the door to what appeared to be a storage room.

While he set one of the lanterns nearby, the mercenary with me strapped me into a chair.

It was a hard wooden chair with a terrible seat.

"Ah, ouch! Tie me up a little...... gently. I'm in pain and can't move anyway."

I begged the mercenary with tears in my eyes.

I assumed it was a failure because there was no change in expression on his impassive face, but he tied me up much more gently than before.

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