Chapter 51

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The extras can be flexible enough to deal with any unforeseen circumstances and not disrupt the flow of the original.

And the thirteenth Edith brought the Duchess and her aide Renon to her side.

She was walking around greeting nameless workers and attempting to change their perceptions of her.

I thought being framed for something she didn't do after the pech pie incident would cause her to break down mentally, but once again, she calmly convinced Killian.

She was even more confident and assertive than she had been during the document leak, asserting her innocence and providing a plausible explanation for the Sinclair family's involvement.

This seemed to sway Killian more toward Edith's side, and another case where Edith should have been the culprit was swept under the rug.

If the previous Ediths were helplessly swept away and knocked down by K's tricks, the thirteenth Edith was more like fighting K herself.

'This is fun...... yeah, this is a fun situation.'

K capitalized on the tension he was feeling.

'Okay, so how do I set the second condition?'

It had to be something that Edith could never pass.

If she passed level two, K'd have little control over Killian, and even less control over the main characters other than him.

Completing level three would render K's control nearly useless, and if it prevented Lizé and Cliff from being together, K had no idea what would happen to this world.

It was K's confidence, bordering on arrogance, that allowed him to take such risks and drag many souls from the multidimensional universe.

But K has the confidence to protect his world. This is a game he is winning anyway.

'I need to come up with a condition that Edith will never be able to fulfill, one that will force her to do the opposite of what she's supposed to do, and one that will reinforce the flow of the original story.'

Pondering for a while, K chuckled as he watched Edith's every move.

After a while, the 'original flow', which is the system of this world, accepted K's condition.

[The second exception condition has been set.]


After kicking Sophia out, Killian made a rough guess about Edith's situation.

'A daughter raised by the Riegelhoffs to sell at a high price.'

It wasn't a new thing, really.

There were many families who bore and raised daughters for that purpose.

At least it was believed that a marriage alliance was the safest.

But it was surprising to see the Riegelhoff so dominant over Edith, even to the point of assaulting her through a maid.

That's how perfect the Rigelhoffs' play was.

'But it would be embarrassing for Edith to reveal this.'

It would be a huge blow to Edith's pride if word got out that she was being beaten by a maid, when she had been presenting herself as a domineering, proud young lady.

'I can't understand it at all, but every family has its own circumstances.'

Maybe they thought of it as 'discipline' in their own way.

It's ridiculous, but people have different ideas, and even bad guys have their reasons.

If the abuse was truly unbearable, Edith would have asked for help.

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