Chapter 104

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"Archduke Langston is said to be constantly attending banquets, large and small, to shape public opinion."

Stopping off at the Ludwig mansion to avoid attention, Princess Catherine sipped the tea the Duchess had offered and said with a hint of annoyance.

The Duchess shook her head. "I've been avoiding attending banquets for fear of being labeled overpowering, but I suppose that gives them an excuse to make a move."

With the military force showing up so suddenly, House Ludwig has been careful not to offend the imperial family in the slightest.

But no matter how careful they were with their good intentions, detractors would somehow twist them into something bad.

"I don't think it's anything to be afraid of, Mother...... but I do worry that some people will get caught up in the atmosphere of the moment and join the Archduke's faction," I expressed my opinion calmly.

To those who don't know my story, it would seem ridiculous that I, the daughter of Count Riegelhoff, would say such a thing.

"I'm surprised, Miss Edith."

As expected, Princess Catherine asked curiously, "Don't you think that the more people who join Archduke Langston, the better?"

"Why do you think so, Your Highness?"

"Because that way Count Riegelhoff has a better chance of surviving?"

Princess Catherine had no malice toward me; she merely wanted to know my inner thoughts.

Of course, I had long since made up my mind.

'Even if the Riegelhoffs win, I am a traitor to them.'

But not in the eyes of others.

When the war is over, everyone will know that I have completely disassociated myself from the Riegelhoffs, but those who would criticize me will find a way to do so.

'It's certain that the Ludwigs will win, and if I feel the slightest bit sorry for the RIegelhoffs, they'll accuse me of being a traitor, and if I rejoice, they'll accuse me of being a poisonous bitch who abandoned my family.'

If I'm going to be vilified one way or another, I'd rather it be the latter. I want to live to see the downfall of those who mistreated me!

"Your Highness, people don't have just one position. Even you, Your Highness, may find that your position as Princess and your position as someone's wife conflict with each other. What do you think you should do then?"

"Well, I'd have to prioritize the more important one."

"Who decides which is more important?"

"Ummm...... my father or......"

She's been called a selfish princess, but it's times like this that I realize she's still stuck in the confines of traditional education.

I shook my head and said, "What if it's your life that's at stake? Can you still excuse yourself for listening to others? It's your choice, after all."

"Uh...... hm......"

"I have also made my choice. I chose the Ludwigs, who have protected me all this time, over my own family, who started a territorial war without a thought for me after marrying me to House Ludwig. No matter what the outcome, I will take responsibility for my choice and I will not regret it, even if someone criticizes me for it."

It was a choice I had no option but to make, but they wouldn't know that.

"You are surprisingly strong, Miss Edith."

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