Chapter 101

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'This is Killian, who gave up his love for Lizé to marry me, Count Riegelhoff's daughter. I, too, could easily be replaced by Leila Sinclair.'

A sigh escaped me.

Killian examined me carefully, then put an arm around my shoulders and said,

"I'm thinking of heading down to Ryzen as soon as the territorial war is over and the situation in the capital stabilizes. What do you think?"

"I'm in favor of it, otherwise we'll be getting bombarded with gossip if we stay in the capital......"

"It might be a bit boring there, but consider it recuperation for the time being."

I was looking forward to going to the Ryzen estate, but Killian seemed to think I didn't want to but had no choice but to go.

I just nodded, not wanting to argue with him about it.

I sincerely hoped that the day would come when I could go down to the estate with Killian.


"Count Riegelhoff has rushed things. It's a nuisance, but it's for the best. This time he'll be rooted out," said Duke Ludwig, skimming the current situation report handed to him by his aide.

Cliff and Killian, seated together in his office, nodded in agreement.

No one was surprised by the sudden declaration of territorial war; it was a little earlier than they had expected, but it was also to be expected, given Count Riegelhoff's behavior at the National Day ball.

"Is His Majesty angry?" asked Cliff.

Duke Ludwig laughed. "Of course he is. I think he might take this opportunity to strike down Archduke Langston, who is crawling to the end of His rope, or the Empress Dowager, who has never treated His Majesty as an emperor."

"Finally!" Killian exclaimed in relief. "We've been patient for a long time, so long that it's frustrating for anyone watching from the side."

"His Majesty must have been waiting for a day like this, too. He's never had a good reason to purge before, and this time, no one will be able to defy."

Cliff nodded, and then asked, his voice a little lower this time. "Is the kill list done?"

He was asking if the families involved in the treason had been identified and their level of punishment determined.

"I think it's roughly done; Archduke Langston, Count Riegelhoff, and Count Eilert will not be spared."

At the mention of Count Riegelhoff, the Duke and Cliff's eyes turned to Killian.

"Have you not noticed anything...... strange about Edith?"

Killian's brow creased momentarily at the Duke's question.

"Edith believes her ties to the Riegelhoffs have already been severed. In fact, isn't that true? For the Count has declared war on us without the slightest regard for the well-being of the daughter he has entrusted with us as a hostage."

"If that's what she sincerely thinks, I'm glad to hear it......"

Despite nodding, the Duke didn't seem to like Killian's answer.

Though frustrated, Killian couldn't say anything more.

'I must get down to Ryzen as soon as possible after this territorial war is over. If Count Riegelhoff is disgraced, there's no telling how much more nasty things will be said about Edith.......'

Killian didn't want to see Edith suffer any more hurt and pain.

After a few years of living quietly and honorably in Ryzen, people would forget about her past and her last name, Riegelhoff.

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