Chapter 10

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"But, Count Riegelhoff is no ordinary cunning man. I wonder if he might have started the rumor on purpose that he's siding with Archduke Langston."

"What do you mean by that?"

"That he started the rumor to get Duke Ludwig on his toes, and then offered him a marriage alliance to convince him of his innocence. Isn't it amazing how easy it is to become a duke's in-law?"

"What a despicable thing to do!"

Damien huffed and sipped his tea again. But Leila's scowl didn't lift.

"And what good news is that, anyway? It doesn't change the fact that Count Riegelhoff is now Duke Ludwig's in-law."

"Oh, my naive Leila. Do you think that just anyone can be a duke? Duke Ludwig is not that stupid."

"Stop talking in circles and just tell me!"

Damien smirked and leaned toward Leila. "Of course, if Count Riegelhoff is willing to stoop to the level of a hostage for his daughter, he probably won't miss the chance to become an in-law with Duke Ludwig."

"What, are you mocking me now?"

"Well, Count Riegelhoff is greedy. He's been jealous of Duke Ludwig for a long time. Eventually, he's going to make a move before the year is out, and Edith Riegelhoff is just a pawn to be used as a covering and then discarded."

That Count Riegelhoff loves his daughter dearly is known to everyone in society. But few knew the truth.

Damien knew something else besides the rumors about Duke Ludwig's relationship with Count Riegelhoff.

He still couldn't get over what he had witnessed while attending a party.

"Stupid bitch! You can't do anything right!"

"I- I'm wrong, Father!"

Count Riegelhoff, who usually seemed to listen to everything his daughter said, slapped her on the cheek, and Edith, who usually stood tall and proud in front of her father, hunched her shoulders and begged for forgiveness.

At first, he thought he was mistaken, but the conversation was unmistakable.

"How many times have I told you it's not Count Rayvarton, it's Count Avarton! Get it right this time. You're going to approach Count Avarton and get information on the cost of the Anchorton Bridge. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father. I'm sorry, I won't make a mistake this time."

After watching them for a while longer, Damien was convinced.

'Edith Riegelhoff's image as a wicked woman was completely made up!'

Sensual and beautiful, Edith drew all the attention wherever she went, and there were plenty of men who coveted her. And she charmed them, digging up the information her father needed.

"No way! Count Riegelhoff would die for that girl Edith!"

"Everyone thinks so, but this is solid information, and you don't go running your mouth. This is top secret, okay?"

"Yep. Okay!"

Damien smirked as he watched his sister, who had been so impatient and sassy earlier, nod meekly.

Then he added sweetly, "Hang in there, Leila. Killian Ludwig and Edith Riegelhoff's marriage is only valid until this year, and next year when the iron ore distribution rights will be in our family, I will give you a seat at Killian Ludwig's side."

Suddenly, Leila's face lit up. "Brother......!"

"So relax, then. No man likes a girl with a furrowed brow."

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