Chapter 31

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"Do not expect to be treated kindly by me, young lady, or you'll regret ever agreeing to work with me."

Looking at Renon, I noticed that Killian's eyes showed at least some emotion.

Renon was looking at me sizing me up, but there was no disdain or even suspicion in his eyes.

I think the Duchess had thought of me and introduced me to the most 'functional' human being she could find.

"There are only two things I want from you: competence and fairness. If you keep those, I won't mind if you call me stupid."

"In that case, I'm glad to hear it."

"I guess that's enough introductions, then, so let's get to work, shall we?"

Renon nodded slightly and turned back to his desk.

I spread the receipts out on the wide desk and began sorting them by year.

With a window but no direct sunlight, Renon's cool office was quiet, as if time had stopped.

Aside from the rustling of receipts as I unfolded them, and the sound of Renon scribbling in pen or flipping through papers, there were no distracting sounds.

'It's peaceful.'

With so much going on, the quiet hours of simple work felt more relaxing than ever.

While I was so focused, Renon called out from behind me.


"Yes, what's up?"

"We're done for the day. You can go home."

"Huh? Is it that time already?"

I hadn't noticed the passage of time in the sunless place.

"Let me just wrap this up and then I'll be back."

Part of me wanted to work a little longer, but if I stayed, Renon, who was also acting as my watchdog, couldn't go home either.

I hurriedly stuffed the receipts into the box, double-checked to make sure I hadn't dropped anything, and handed the box to him.

He looked down at it for a moment before taking it from me.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"You're welcome, Renon. See you tomorrow."

I said goodbye to Renon and walked out into the hallway.

Anna was waiting near Renon's office to take me back to my room.

I felt like I'd been dragged back to reality.

'I don't remember reading an extra named Renon Filch in the original story, so I won't get caught up in any weird episodes, right?'

I went back to my room, feeling more relaxed than before.

The door was halfway open.

Anna ran in ahead of me to check on the 'intruder' and nodded to me with a reassuring look on her face.

"You're here."


I hadn't seen Killian in three days.

"What are you doing...... in my room.....?"

"Can't I come by?"

"No, well, I'm not saying you can't, but...... eh?"

Glancing at Killian, I walked into the room and saw that he was fiddling with something, and involuntarily snatched it away.

Two wooden dolls in freshly made clothes fell to the floor with a clatter.

I Thought This Was A Common TransmigrationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora