Chapter 68

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"Oh, my goodness! Welcome! We are honored to have you in our store."

The shopkeeper, a young woman, bustled about as if she knew Killian and Lizé.

As they looked around the store, an ornate faux chandelier hung from the ceiling, romantic decorations on all sides, and on the pink carpet were shelves full of accessories fit for girls.

"Oh, how cute."

"It's cute, isn't it? If you wrap this around your head once like this and put this corsage next to it......"

"Wow! It's so pretty! Killian, look at this......!"

Killian, who had been staring out the window at something instead of inside the store, quickly turned to Lizé.


"Oh! That's pretty!"

Killian looked at Lizé and immediately said it's pretty, but it was a far cry from the way he'd always looked at her, and Killian could feel it himself.

"Isn't it pretty, sir? Not everyone can pull off such accessories. It looks childish when it's worn by the wrong people. It takes a beautiful woman like Lady Lizé to make the corsage and ribbon look their best."

The shopkeeper complimented Lizé's appearance until her mouth watered.

Killian didn't seem too bothered by this, and asked to pay for all the things she said were pretty.

As a result of the shopkeeper's flattery and compliments, the bag in her hand had quite a few items in it when she walked out of the store.

"I- I didn't mean to buy this much......"

"It's okay, they don't come out that often, so when they do, it's not a bad idea to buy them all at once."

"I'm sorry, Killian."

"Don't be sorry. This isn't ruining my house, you can buy more."

Killian encouraged her to spend more, as she still felt bad every time she spent money.

Then he started walking toward the store he'd been looking out the window at earlier.

"Lizé, I'm sorry, but let's stop over there for a minute."

"Yeah, great! Are you going to buy something too, Killian?"


Lizé, who had been feeling bad that she had been buying things for herself, seemed happy.

But the store Killian went into was the same as the one Lizé had stopped at earlier, selling women's accessories. Although the atmosphere was completely different.

"Killian...... this is, um......"

"Huh? Why?"

"This store has a much different vibe than the last one."

"Yeah. Right. I'm here to buy some gifts for Edith."

"What? Edith?"


"Aha...... come to think of it, it's a pretty nice atmosphere that would suit Edith."

"Isn't it?"

Killian couldn't help but notice that Lizé was a little flustered. It would have been ridiculous in the past, but now he was focused on finding something that would look good on Edith.

"Did Edith want you to get her something?"

"No, but I don't think I've bought her anything fancy before......"

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