Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Caliban had run off. Whitesnake snatched her staff from Adam and, outnumbered, she decided discretion was the better part of valour and ran off. Watt had vanished. George alighted on the floor.

"I thought you were two dimensional," said Brigitte. "How did your fire blind them?"

"Because it's two dimensional," said George. "It can't hurt three dimensional beings but if seen full on then a three dee being will not be able to see through a blanket of cartoon fire. Even switching to infra-red would have done no good as my fire obeys different natural laws to Watt's universe."

"Glad to have you around," said Jake and breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a clanking noise and a short figure dressed in steel armour emerged from the passage. He wore a helmet with twin lenses attached, and from the top of which sprouted two springy steel antennae. He had large steel wings which were folded onto his back. He wore a utility belt with pouches lined along it like Watt.

He stuck out a gauntleted hand to Adam. "I come from a universe and a parallel earth where my dad is a crime fighting superhero called the Weevil. My name is the Bug."

Adam shook his hand. "Was it you who got rid of Watt?"



"I don't like bullies." The bug looked back the way he came. "He's outside the canteen building. I tied him up so he shouldn't be any more trouble, at least for now."

The Bug's voice rasped through a synthesiser and sounded harsh and electronic. The twin lenses moved independently of each other, accompanied by the slight whine of tiny electric motors.

"Thanks," said Jake. "We owe you one."

"You're welcome," said the Bug. "See you around."

He was about to clank away when there was a burst of light and Captain Trinity appeared, his cape swirling about him and his legs apart and his gloved fists stuck into his sides. He pointed a gloved finger at the assembled group of friends.

"The androids told me a fight had broken out and you lot were involved."

"We didn't start it," said Adam, "Watt..."

"I know about Watt and his cronies and they will receive suitable punishment but you people are not blameless and fighting in the Nexus will not be tolerated. Is that understood?"

The children shuffled their feet and with heads bowed all nodded.

Except Adam. "Nobody is going to push me around."

Jake leaned towards him. "Shut up," he hissed.

Captain Trinity looked directly at Adam. "You're insolent. I remember you from the house meeting." His gaze fixed on the group. "You will all be punished. I want five hundred words from all of you with the title, 'Why I must not fight in the Nexus.' I want each of your literary masterpieces by tomorrow morning. In future summon an android if you are being threatened. That's what they're here for."

There was another flash of light and Trinity was gone. Adam turned to the Bug.

"Looks like we got you into trouble, sorry."

"Don't sweat it," said the Bug and clanked away.

"What a nice kid," said Adam.

"They're all nice here," said Jake. "There's just a few bad apples."

"The Bug is my roommate," said George.

They all left the building holding the canteen. Jake turned to Adam.

"Okay, I'm going to skype mum and dad and tell them we got here safely. I'll see you tomorrow little brother. "

"You can skype here?"

"Oh yes. And little brother, in future, if someone threatens you and offers you a way out, back down. We all got off lucky there."

Jake climbed into a buggy and was whisked away. Adam thanked George and Brigitte for helping him in the fight and they went back to their respective beehive buildings. Adam felt he needed to get back to his room and sleep. It was beginning to get dark and he was feeling weary. It had been a very long day and he felt he could sleep for a week.

Adam wondered where that anger and defiance had come from when he had been confronted by that costumed jerk and his idiot entourage. He'd been feeling terrified all that day, even on the brink of losing it but when push came to shove he could not find it in himself to back down. Jake was right however. He needed not to push his luck again. He hated it when his brother was right. Adam felt he had just made himself some powerful enemies, and now the fear was returning.

He flagged down a buggy, clambered inside and was taken to House Red Giant. He entered the beehive and made his way to his room. Luminous arrows on the walls pointed the way. Adam could still taste the dinner he had eaten and reflected that despite the strange and even dangerous things that went on at the Nexus, the food was brilliant.

He wondered if the Nexus had a tuck shop and if so what amazing sweets would be sold there. If there was a tuck shop then whatever it sold would be literally out of this world. The next morning at breakfast, Adam determined to find out.

Adam stepped into his room and the light came on automatically. He saw the empty bed beside his. His roommate had not turned up yet. Adam wondered if he should get a crucifix and garlic, or maybe even a ray gun.

He strode to the window and looked out. It was now dark. The Nexus was situated on Logo's equator so when night fell it fell fast. He could see the dark outlines of the forest of towers and lights in the towers, and various vehicles darting about the towers, and as the vehicles had lights on them they all looked like fireflies buzzing about in the night.

Adam could now see the brilliant crescent moon of Praxis. He had hardly been here one day and he took stock of all the mad things he had seen and had happened to him. To make his day complete he had gotten on the wrong side of a super bully and his cronies. Adam recalled the figure in the armour and glowing eyes from his vision. Watt reminded him of that figure.

On a small table beside his bed was a few sheets of paper and a ball point pen. On top of the sheets was a scribbled note saying, 'Five hundred words.' With a sigh Adam sat down at the table, took up the pen and started writing.

It didn't take him long to finish. At his old school he seemed to attract bullies and had given as good as he got but he and the bullies always ended up writing a short piece on why they must not fight so Adam had a lot of practise.

As he lay the pen down the doors swept open and a tall boy strode into the room.

"Hello," he said. "I am your roommate."

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetWhere stories live. Discover now