Chapter Twenty One

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Twenty One

The gang, the Bug, Malcolm, George and Adam and Brigitte were all standing at the dome's edge. The dome was a huge structure made of a transparent material stronger than steel, and it covered the entire Nexus.

Inside the Nexus it was cool but outside it was hot and humid.

Malcolm turned to Brigitte. "You are the daughter of Saint Nicholas?"

"No I'm the daughter of Father Christmas."

"What's the difference?"

"On other parallel earths, Father Christmas is Saint Nicholas. On the world I live in Father Christmas is this fat jolly man who dresses in red and delvers toys to good children once a year."

"You lost me."

"Well you know the earth is a ball in space?"

"The earth is not a ball. It's flat or you would fall off the edge. Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Malcolm come and look at this," said Adam and he gestured to Malcolm.

Brigitte gave Adam an expression as much to say, thank you for rescuing me. Malcolm approached the transparent wall. He reached out and his hand was stopped.

' "Is this ice? It's not cold."

"No it's not ice. Look at the world beyond."

They all looked out onto a jungle of huge ferns, and stubby looking tree like plants sprouting stems with green leaf like structures, and gigantic horsetails. On the stubby tree like plants rested brightly coloured birds and the air was filled with their singing.

Malcolm looked up and saw huge animals with outstretched wings wheeling in the sky.

"What are those?"

"Do you know what a lizard is?"

"Of course I do."

"They are lizards," said Adam. "Just bigger and with wings."

"They're not lizards," said George. "They are reptiles but..."

"Alright," said Adam. "Enough."

"How do we get out?" said Malcolm. "I would like to explore this strange world."

"That's what I'd like to now," said Adam. "Anyone got any ideas?"

"Are those trees?" said Malcolm.

"No they're cycads."

"What are those? I recognise the horsetails but they are so big. How do they get so big? Is this forest enchanted? We must explore it."

"I don't think that's wise," said Brigitte.

Adam turned to her. "It was your idea."

"I know but, well, who knows what's out there."

"I also think its unwise," said George.

The Bug slapped his utility belt. "I got my own personal arsenal if we come across anything."

"I have arrows," said Malcolm. "I saw my dad bring down a bear once with his arrows."

"Then it's settled," said Adam. "Three against two. Brigitte, you and George don't have to come. We are going out. How do you do that?"

"Why do you want to go out?" said Brigitte.

"To look for Jake."

"What if he isn't there?"

"You suggested it."

"I may be wrong. Where would you even start?"

Suddenly a silence descended on the jungle. The birds all flew away and the twitters and growls and honks and whines and squawks that came from the jungle stopped. The hairs on the back of Adam's neck rose. He had a very bad feeling.

He was right to do so. A monster stomped out of the jungle.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

It was a giant with a huge head and a jaw like an immense crocodile. From the depths of its immense lungs came a deep growl. Adam's skin was suddenly wet with sweat and he felt frozen to the spot, terrified. Adam wanted to be somewhere else where that giant snout and those two evil eyes were not pointing in his direction.

The animal had black and red stripes across its pebbled skin and what looked like a mane of black bristles around its neck. It pivoted on two vast legs, so its upper body became horizontal and poised for attack. Its lower body was also horizontal, off the ground, and its giant tail waved slightly in the air.

The monster growled once more and then charged on its huge piston like legs propelling it forward like a mighty engine of destruction.

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetWhere stories live. Discover now