Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

They finished breakfast and Adam left the table with Malcolm and the two boys accompanied each other intending to leave the canteen, but before they got near the exit Malcolm froze.

"We got trouble."

Indeed they had. From three directions in the canteen Clifford Watt and his acolytes strode towards them. Clifford Watt came from one direction, Caliban from another and Whitesnake another. Adam looked about him for escape.

There was none.

"Quick, pull my finger," said Malcolm.


"Pull my finger now!"

Malcolm held out the forefinger of his right hand. Clifford Watt and his gang were now very close. Adam grabbed hold of Malcolm's finger and pulled it.

Malcolm let loose a huge, explosive fart. It was the smelliest fart possible and Adam grabbed his nose and squeezed it. Even so he could almost taste it, the fart was so smelly.

Caliban shrieked and leapt down on all fours and raced away yelping. Whitesnake reeled away in disgust and made herself scarce.

"Seriously?" said Clifford Watt.

The visor rose exposing his mouth and nose and Clifford Watt took a part of his cape, pressing it against the lower part of his face, then staggered away. Adam felt he was going to be sick.

Malcolm beamed at him. "I got all kinds of talents."

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetWhere stories live. Discover now