Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

The monster thundered towards the children. They all stood rigid, petrified with terror, staring at the charging dinosaur.

The T. Rex slowed as it sensed the transparent wall and came to a jog and then to a crawl. The animal padded up to the wall and sniffed. Adam saw its huge brow ridges were bright crimson. The creature poked the wall with its snout. The animal's jaws opened slightly revealing rows of dagger like teeth. Letting out another deep growl it turned and slunk off back into the jungle. Adam's mouth was dry. He turned very slowly.

Malcolm was crossing himself and uttering a short Latin prayer.

"Was that a monster from Hell?"

Adam's heart was thudding. He finally managed to move his tongue and moistened his mouth. He realised he was trembling. That particular day he had too many shocks.

"I changed my mind. Brigitte's right. It's dumb to go poking around that jungle."

The others enthusiastically agreed.

"Fascinating," said George.

"Is that all you got to say?" said Brigitte.

"Brigitte, no!" protested Adam. "Once George starts you can't shut him up."

George was about to open his jaws.

"George," said Adam. "Shut up."

Malcolm looked around him blinking. He crossed himself again and took from his tunic a crude wooden cross and kissed it, before replacing it in his tunic.

"Clad in armour," said the Bug. "I think I would be indigestible but I would not want to test that theory."

Adam looked to the jungle. "If Jake is out there I only hope he's somewhere safe."

"We can always go and talk to Captain Trinity," said Brigitte.

George said. "I find it strange that three dimensional worlds go through a series of changes of lifeforms, a process called evolution. My world just suddenly came into being and will one day suddenly vanish. I must say it is all fascinating."

Adam decided to let George have that one. The dragon loved to talk. Turning, Adam looked at the forest of gleaming towers before him, the Nexus. He regarded the tall columns with their attendant numerous lifts rapidly ascending and descending the columns' ribbed walls.

The pink and blue and white and black towers were connected by walkways and the vehicles and pedestrians like insects made their way along them. After his experience in Jake's room he now believed that in this phenomenal metropolis his brother was no longer there.

Adam looked back to the Cretaceous jungle, a wall of green, with its warbles and twitters and shrieks and honks, hiding who knows what horrors.

If Jake was not in the Nexus, was he somewhere in there? If so how was he going to find him? He had decided he was not going to rely on the Nexus.

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora