Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

They were in the clearing where Adam had been chased by the Spinosaurus. They looked around in shock and surprise. They didn't have far to look for the source of their problems. Clifford Watt stood with Whitesnake, Caliban and Merl.

Malcolm shot out a hand. "Quick, pull my finger."

"Forget it," said Clifford Watt. "We're all wearing nose plugs."

Clifford Watt's video face plate showed him and his mates pushing plugs up their noses, and Adam could see little strings dangling out of Whitesnake and Merl's nostrils so they could pull out the plugs when they were done with them.

Watt looked at Merl. "Do your stuff. Put a spell on them."

Merl raised a black wand with a white tip but as he was just about to cast a spell the Bug threw a grenade at him which exploded and showered Merl in a cloud of white dust. The dust vanished into Merl's gown.

The sorcerer screamed with laughter and collapsed on the ground holding his sides helpless with laughter. The Bug looked at Adam.

"Tickle dust," he said. "Each dust particle is a two fingered robot, one finger attaches itself to the skin of the victim and the other tickles like mad, He's got thousands of little robots tickling every part of him."

"When do they stop?" said Adam.

"When the battery in each robot gives out. Forget hocus pocus, this is the appliance of science."

Clifford Watt looked down at the giggling figure in disgust.

"So much for you! Looks like we'll have to do this the hard way."

Clifford Watt looked at Adam and his gang, then he started pounding one gloved fist into another.

"Fun time," he said.

George sprang into the air looking like a brightly coloured butterfly against the blue sky and vanished.

"Thanks a lot George," cried Adam.

Whitesnake leapt forward whirling her staff before her. The Bug ran to engage her and both figures collided and the Bug was knocked flying. He landed on the ground and did not move. Whitesnake was knocked aside and went tumbling along the ground, losing her staff.

Brigitte took out her dog whistle and Caliban pointed to his ears which had ear plugs protruding. He shook his head at her, and she sadly shook her head back.

Suddenly she had something else in her hands and she picked up a stone and fired it at Clifford Watt. The stone struck his face plate and Clifford Watt staggered back. His face plate went fuzzy and words appeared on it saying, normal service will be resumed. Then it went blank.

Caliban leapt at Adam but Malcolm was at Adam's side and the two boys took on the senior. Malcolm was tall for his age and was able to grab the monster by the shoulders and used Caliban's momentum to cause the monster to go flying over him.

As Caliban hit the ground, Malcolm loosed off two arrows which struck either side of Caliban into his kilt pinning him to the ground.

Leaping forward Adam snatched up Whitesnake's discarded staff and struck Caliban with the end and struck him again. Caliban was stuck on the ground trying to pull up the arrows either side.

Brigitte was firing stones at Whitesnake, one after the other. Malcolm fired off more arrows to keep her at bay. Whitesnake suddenly changed and turned into a gigantic white snake.

"Oh lord!" gasped Adam.

"What's happening?" cried Clifford Watt. "I gone blind."

His video face plate had a long crack in it and was blank. The son of a famous supervillain floundered about, his arms outstretched. He tried to raise the face plate into his helmet but the impact of the stone had buckled it and the visor was stuck in place. Watt was about to unbuckle his helmet and remove and then thought better of it, as Brigitte would probably fire a stone at his head and might knock him senseless. In any case he sensed help was on the way in the form of Whitesnake.

The white snake slithered towards Adam and Brigitte and Malcolm, who loosed off more arrows but they harmlessly bounced off the snake's scales.

At that instant a giant snake from the Cretaceous jungle, sensing a rival in its territory, slithered towards the white snake and the two monsters twined around each other and gave battle, hissing and spitting.

Brigitte and Adam turned their attentions to Caliban who had uprooted the arrows and was now standing. Malcolm snatched the staff from Adam and in his expert hands Malcolm kept the monster at bay with the staff, applying skills he had been taught in Sherwood Forest by the Merry Men.

"What's happening?" said Clifford Watt, as he blundered about. "Whitesnake, did you get them?"

The jungle went silent, the birds stopped singing and all the other sounds of animals stopped suddenly. A monster crashed out of the jungle.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

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