Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

That evening Adam skyped his mother and his father on his lap top. Both had no news about Jake but both had been informed about the attempt to kidnap Adam. They were aghast.

"It does show you are in the right place," said his father. "Please promise me you won't go out into the jungle looking for your brother."

Adam remembered the T. Rex. "No dad. I won't do that."

It wasn't helped by Malcolm peering at the screen and asking why Adam's parents were so small and did they live in that box? Adam got increasingly annoyed with Malcolm and lost his temper.

"Butt out!" he finally said.

"If you're going to be like that," said Malcolm.

He stormed out of the room but Adam was able to communicate with his parents in peace.

"Don't be hard on Malcolm," said his father. "The poor boy comes from the Middle Ages. Everything here must seem like magic and enchantment to him. Of all your friends he is the most bewildered."

"Yeah, okay dad. I'll apologise to him."

"Stay safe Adam," said his mother. "Don't do anything stupid."

"No mum."

When he finished Adam turned off the computer and lowered the screen. He decided he needed to find Malcolm and apologise to him.

Malcolm entered the room. "I apologise," he said.

Malcolm related how he had a long conversation with one of the walls and how it had advised Malcolm that Adam was under a lot of stress due to his brother's disappearance, and he should return and make his peace.

Adam didn't like the idea of walls discussing his private business, but he agreed he and his roommate needed to bury the hatchet.

"Those walls are wise," said Malcolm. "I don't know what's behind them but they talk sense and the one I was talking to said I can talk to it any time I had a problem. I guess it must be this magic called electrickery."

He knelt at his bed and took out his crucifix.

"What're you doing?"

"I am praying for the help of our Lord Jesus Christ. We need Him on our side more than ever."

Adam got into bed and went to sleep. Malcolm as usual lay on the bed with his clothes and boots on and his hat over his face.

The next morning on the way to breakfast Adam tried to walk through walls but kept bouncing off, much to the merriment of other students, particularly seniors.

"You had your first lesson in dimensional science, right?" said one wall.

"How did you know?" said Adam.

"You aren't the first to try to walk through me and you won't be the last."

Adam gave up trying to walk through walls. He decided Chi Lung was right in that he could not do dimensional science tricks outside the great stone chamber.

After breakfast the children of the first year were summoned inside a large shed holding pens and behind each pen some beast could be heard moving and shuffling. Adam smelt a stench he associated with an elephant house at the zoo.

Adam felt annoyed with himself at his helplessness in the face of Jake's disappearance. He could do nothing and every attempt to locate Jake had been blocked by a potential danger. He felt the Nexus and his parents seemed equally helpless.

What was going to happen now?

He looked at Brigitte who raised her eyebrows at him.

There was a burst of light above the assembled children and Captain Trinity appeared in mid-air and, with his cape billowing, he leapt to the ground and assumed the classic super hero pose of one gloved hand on the ground and the other arm held out at a ninety degree angle. His legs were splayed out.

He slowly rose until he stood upright.

"Good morning."

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetWhere stories live. Discover now