Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

The king of monsters stood, its hooded evil eyes scanning the figures, wondering which to attack first. The huge head waved slightly from side to side. It growled and Adam felt very cold and his throat was suddenly dry and his heart hammered in his chest. His legs felt like jelly and he thought he might collapse. The T. Rex's scales glittered in the sun and then massive muscles in its massive thighs began to work, propelling it forward.

It made its choice. For some reason it liked the look of Adam.

There was a bright flash of light and Captain Trinity appeared among them. Bright red rays blazed from his eyes striking the great reptile full in the stomach. The monster howled, and then slumped to the ground and did not move.

"Is it dead?" said Adam.

"Stunned," said Trinity. "We don't kill dinosaurs."

Trinity looked at Merl who was still rolling around on the ground helpless with laughter.

"What's his problem?"

"He's being tickled," said Adam.

Captain Trinity regarded Adam through the eye holes of his cowl in the same way he would look at a vending machine he had just put a coin into and got nothing back. He turned to the battling snakes and fired another optic blast at the Cretaceous snake, stunning it.

"Change back," ordered Trinity.

The Lady Whitesnake's daughter did so and glared at Adam. Clifford Watt still staggered around demanding what was going on. Caliban stood with his tongue out panting as it was hot and he had no sweat glands. George fluttered down.

"I went back to the Nexus to get help," he said.

Brigitte went to the Bug's body. His helmet had been bent and revealed the warrior's throat. Brigitte laid two fingers on the skin. She looked up at Adam.

"He's dead!"

"No I'm not," said the Bug and he sat up.

Brigitte went back to stand next to Adam.

"It's a good job I don't want to be a doctor when I grow up," she said.

"You stick to making things. You made that catapult in machine shop?"

"Where else? I thought we may need weapons. It's crude but effective."

Another T. Rex emerged from the jungle.

"It's a female," said Trinity. "Obviously the other's mate. We should leave."

The children and the adult vanished as the monster came rushing up. It stopped and whirled about with speed and grace that belied its vast bulk. The monster strode up to its fallen mate and snuffled at it. The other monster opened its eyes, rose up on its two legs, as it was smaller, and more nimble than Spinosaurus, and growled and snapped at its mate, who growled and snapped back.

It was true love.

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