Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Adam returned to his room in House Red Giant. As he was about to enter, the doorframe spoke.

"Adam your room has been fumigated. All pests have been destroyed."

"Uh..thank you," said Adam,

"You're welcome," said the doorframe.

The doors opened and Adam stepped through. He could not get used to inanimate objects talking to him out of the blue like that. He turned on his lap top computer and wondered if he could summon up the cosmic net Jake and Brigitte spoke about and wondered if this net could provide him with some answers, or where he could get answers. He should have asked Brigitte how to access the net.

Malcolm entered and saw the computer.

"Is that one of those magic mirrors I heard about, that let you see other places?"

"Sort of," said Adam.

He showed Malcolm the computer, and played some video files. He talked more about what the lap top could do.

"With this I can skype my mum and dad and see and talk to them."

"If we only had this is Sherwood Forest," said Malcolm in awe. "Can I speak to my father with this mirror?"

"No you can't." said Adam. "Robin Hood would need a computer at his end and electricity."

"What is electrickery?"

"I'll tell you another time."

"I would like to know more about this magic called electrickery."

Adam inserted a game into the computer, Assassin's Creed. He attached two game consoles to the computer and showed Malcolm how to use the console. Adam reflected he had a great many upsets that day, and he liked Malcolm's company. Perhaps playing a few games with the boy would help sooth his shattered nerves. There was nothing he could personally do, after all. Even so playing the game made him feel guilty as, he was doing nothing for his brother. Adam felt helpless and he had never had that feeling before, certainly not to this intensity.

"I can actually control those small people," said Malcolm. "So this magic box has small people in it?"

"No it's a computer," said Adam. "It's a machine. There are no little people. What you see on the screen is an illusion."

Malcolm was baffled and shook his head. Despite not understanding how the game worked Malcolm acquitted himself well playing Assassin's Creed.

"If we only had this in Sherwood Forest."

"Why? It would be no good to you against the Sheriff of Nottingham, or getting food, or just staying alive."

"You're right," said Malcolm. "But it is fun."

"Time for bed," came a voice from within the walls. "Lights off in ten minutes."

"I don't suppose you can tell me where my brother is."

"Unable to comply due to insufficient data," came the voice.


"I don't know."

Malcolm looked at the wall in wonder and shook his head again. Adam changed into his pyjamas and Malcolm lay on top of the bed in his clothes, not even taking his boots off. He stuck his cap over his face and lay still.

The light went off and Adam climbed into bed. Malcolm did not snore that night and Adam thought that Matron may have done something to Malcolm to stop him snoring. Adam wondered about the vast distance between him and his own world.

It was probably so gigantic he would go crazy trying to work it out. Not just that but he was in another universe entirely. He wondered how it was possible to skype his parents over such a vast distance, but Jake had managed it.

Adam felt angry. He did not belong here and neither did Jake. Why did they need to be cosmic champions? Why couldn't they be normal people living normal lives with no knowledge of the madness that was the Nexus.

He drifted off to sleep and when he woke the next morning he saw Malcolm was still lying on his bed sound asleep. Adam decided not to wake him but got quietly dressed and made his way to the building housing the canteen.

He went up the vending node but instead of being met by Winston Churchill, Adam saw a young man with long, light brown hair and owl like spectacles, and a long face.

"Who are you supposed to be?"

"John Lennon," said the hologram in a Liverpool accent. "Rock star and peace activist."

"Where's Churchill?"

"The folk who run this gig thought the holograms needed to be more up to date, hip and modern."

"How about Beyonce?" said Adam.

"Who or what is Beyonce?" said Lennon.

Adam got his breakfast and scanned the room to find his friends. Clifford Watt stepped in front of him flanked by Caliban and Lady Whitesnake's daughter. There was a big grin on the video screen wrapped around Watt's face.

"A little bird has told me your stupid brother has vanished? Run away has he? Too much for him here? Why don't you join him?"

Adam decided to ignore him and went on looking for his friends. Clifford moved his visor closer to Adam's face. The screen showed Jake running away from the Nexus.

"Or maybe he's dead."

Something broke in Adam and all the rage and frustration and worry he had been feeling about Jake crashed out of the wall of control he had built. Clifford's face was close to Adam and Adam struck the bully across his jaw with his tray as hard as he could, causing the food and crockery and utensils to go flying.

"Why you little..." gasped Clifford.

He attempted to punch Adam with a gloved fist but Adam used the tray to block the blow. Lady Whitesnake's daughter struck the tray with her staff and the tray cartwheeled out of Adam's hand. Clifford grabbed Adam by the neck and started to throttle him with his gloved hands. Adam grabbed Clifford's wrists and struggled to pull Clifford's hands away. At the other side of the room, the four androids saw Adam in danger and ran to his aid.

"Armour piercing!" Cried a familiar voice.

An arrow with a sharp, stubby little head struck Clifford on his visor and he reeled backwards losing his grip on Adam. All the images on Clifford's visor vanished and was replaced by a scene of Clifford being hurled aside by some shadowy figure amid fire and darkness. The image vanished to be replaced by red eyes and a scowling red mouth.

Clifford's white gloved hand scrabbled at a pouch on his utility belt, but another arrow came and the razor edge of its head cleanly sliced through the belt so it fell away from Clifford. Caliban and the daughter of Whitesnake rushed to the aid of their friend.

Malcolm strode up holding his bow. The bow was pulled back and there were three arrows in it.

"I got an arrow for each of you."

At that moment the four androids ran up and three of them grabbed Clifford, Caliban and the daughter of Whitesnake.

"We'll take over from here," said one of the androids.

Three of the androids lead the three defeated teenagers away from the canteen. One android remained and went back to standing at a discrete distance on sentry duty. As the three seniors were bundled out of the canteen they were accompanied by jeers and whoops of triumph from the other students. Those students able to clap did so. Clearly Watt and his friends weren't popular.

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora