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[Jacob POV]

The Monday I left, I called Spade and Luca. I packed all my stuff, said bye to everyone, got in my truck, and called them as I started the vehicle.
"Hii!" Luca enthusiastically greeted me, solidifying my good mood.
"Hey, baby," I said back as I buckled in. "What are you doing?"
"Waiting for Spade to get up. He's taking forever to wake up, and I can't chase with Pepper til he's awake and stuff," He answered as I heard the previously mentioned cat meowing in the background.
"I still don't know how you can chase with her for so fucking long," I commented, making him laugh a little.
"I don't know. I just have a lot of energy, I guess," He mumbled.
"As long as it's not me that you're always running around with, I guess I can't complain," I responded.

We talked for another hour before I told him I was gonna hang up and about to really focus on driving because I was hitting the interstate.
"I guess I'll let you drive safely," He playfully huffed.
"Okay, baby. I'll see you later. I love you," I reminded him.
"I love you, too!" He responded before hanging up and letting me drive in silence. I turned my cd player on and let it just play whichever song it ended on last time I shut off the car.

When I pulled into the apartment parking lot, all I felt was releif. I made it through the academy, I made it safely home, I made it back to Luca, and now I could go lay down and hold him. I got out of the truck and grabbed my duffelbag from the passenger side, slinging it over my body before grabbing my water bottle from the cup holder. I groaned before climbing the stairs but managed to make it, then unlocked the front door. When I stepped in, Spade was sitting on the couch watching a movie, and Luca was chasing Pepper back and forth. He was currently in the bedroom, about to run back. So, I quickly set my things down as Spade stood up.
"Hey!" He greeted me, pulling me into a hug. I kissed his cheek cause it felt right, just as a sign of platonic affection.
"Hi. They drive back sucks ass, but I got through it," I mumbled as Luca ran back into the living room, Pepper very close behind him. Then he suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"Jacob!" He exclaimed, smiling and quickly running over to hug me while catching his breath.
"Hey, baby," I said back, picking him up even though my arms were aching.

"I'm gonna head home, man," Spade eventually said after almost an hour of me being home.
"Alright. I'll see you," I said, quickly dapping him up while Luca pushed himself off me.
"Bye," He mumbled, hugging Spade before he left. Luca locked the door behind him.
"My body hurts," I complained, laying down on the couch.
"You wanna take a shower? The water would probably feel really good," Luca offered, making me smile.
"Will you start it?" I asked. He nodded and ran off, only being gone for a few seconds before I heard the water start running. I laid there and tried to relax for a while until Luca came back in.
"C'mon," He said, grabbing my hand and gently tugging.
"Okay, okay," I agreed, standing up and stretching. I walked with him to the bathroom before stripping down all the way.

"You should get naked, too. It's no fun without you in there," I said, grabbing his lower back.
"Okay," He happily agreed, stripping down his clothes without a second thought. I stepped in and just stood under the hot water for a while. Even after Luca got in. I let him hug me while I just stood there. I didn't want to move because the hot water pouring down on me when I ached this bad felt like heaven.
"Ughh," I groaned, making him squirm away.
"You don't like when I make that noise?" I asked, smiling a little.
"That's the exact opposite of the problem. I like it too much," He replied, his hands covering his crotch.
"You want me to help you with that?" I asked, seeing him smile shyly.
"Yeahhh, but you don't have to. I know you don't feel good," He answered.
"Baby, I offered cause I wanted to. Come here. I've been gone a while week. Of course, I wanna help you with this kinda problem," I assured him, reaching down and holding his shaft in my hand, gently squeezing.

When we were done with the shower, I didn't really wanna get out, but I did when I saw Luca starting to regress. I didn't want my half hard penis out in front of him when he's in that hesdspace. He was deep enough into it that he genuinely wasn't talking and was mostly in his own little world. Which I didn't mind because he just wanted to cuddle me. I dressed him in one of my hoodies and gray PJ pants after getting myself into sweatpants and a wife beater.

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