Chapter 2

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*Nezumi's pov*

I was lying in a tree on the side of a building when I heard something. I sat up, making sure I wouldn't fall out of the tree.

A boy walked in my direction, though he didn't seem to notice me. He sat himself and his bag down against the wall. He sighed deeply, as if he was so done with it already.

I had never seen this kid before, or anyone like this kid. His hair was as white as snow, bangs of it covering parts of his face. His skin looked really pale and two red eyes were gazing ahead of the boy. I couldn't see much detail from here, but if I didn't know better, I would have noticed he was a boy, not a girl.

The kid rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes. I grinned and figured he must be new here. I wanted to just tease him a bit, already climbing out of the tree, when I got interrupted.

Two people walked around the corner, stopping as they saw the boy, then walked towards him. The boy's eyes opened and widened for a bit.

"Well, look what we have here." A tall blonde guy said, laughing. The girl beside him had red hair done in a ponytail. She also laughed. They were now standing before the boy, blocking my view.

"L-leave me alone." The boy stuttered. His voice was sweet and childlike. The two teens laughed again.

"And what if we don't, freak?" The girl asked in a fake innocent voice.

"Then I'll make sure you can't walk for at least a year." I threatened them as I jumped out of the tree. I put my hands in my pockets and walked closer. The two bullies turned around, terrified expressions on their faces. I almost smirked at the sight, but I kept my glare on them. "So you two better get your asses out of here."

They nodded and ran away without any hesitation. The white haired boy was now standing, staring at me. I walked towards him.

"T-thank you." He said. I shrugged it off. As I got closer I saw more detail. He had a beige colored mark on his face, seeming to go down around his neck and further. His skin was extremely pale, like a vampire's. Bangs of his snowy hair slightly covered his ruby eyes. The ruby eyes that were staring into my grey ones.

"You okay?" I asked him as I stood a few feet away now. He nodded and smiled slightly, which made him look really cute somehow.

"T-thanks again." He said.

"Yeah yeah. I got it after the first time kid." I said, slightly annoyed. "What's your name?"


"Like the flower?"

"Yeah." He smiled. Again looking really cute.

"Cool." I replied, already walking away. He followed behind me.

"And who are you?"




"Cool." He said. We walked around the corner, toward the main entrance of the school.

"Are you gonna stalk me around or are you actually capable of doing things on your own?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at Shion. He looked a little hurt, but shrugged it off.

"I'm new here and I don't really know where to go." He explained. I nodded, though more to myself than anyone else.

"I could show you around." I murmured.

"Really?" I could just hear the white haired kid smile while he spoke.

"Sure, why not."

"Thank you so much."


Shion followed me into the building, up the stairs and to the classroom. I had asked him what his schedule was and it seemed we had most of the same classes. Once in class, me and Shion sat next to each other.

After school, we were standing near the fence. Most of the day Shion followed me around, asking me a buttload of questions. I answered with short answers. At the breaks we sat together, in class we sat together. It seemed like we had been friends for some time, though I wouldn't mind if we would be.

As were saying our goodbyes, people were giving us weird looks, causing me to glare at them. Shion looked really sad and hurt, staring at the ground at his feet.

"Shion." He looked up at me. "Do I need to walk you home?"

His eyes lit up a little and a smile formed on his lips. It really was cute, his smile. "Really?"

I nodded. With that we left the school's grounding, towards Shion's house. I put my hands in my jacket pockets and walked beside Shion, pretty close.

I had excepted for the ruby colored eyed boy to talk my butt off, though instead he was quiet. I glanced at him to see him gazing off in the distant. Weird kid.

When we reached his house, after a good 30 minutes of walking, We stopped at his doorstep. I didn't expect him to be living above the bakery I always went to. Though I had never seen him here before.

"You live here?" I asked, raising a brow. Shion hummed in acknolegdement. "For how long?"

"A week now." He replied as he opened the door. He walked inside, leaving the door open for me. I followed him. Once inside I inhaled and smiled at the smell of freshly baked bread. I could hear Shion chuckle a little.

Shion walked all the way to the back of the shop, through a door. I just followed him. As soon as I went through the door, Shion stood before me, handing me a plastic bag, smiling brightly.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Just a 'thank you'."

"Uhm, well." I took the plastic bag from him. I smiled at him, though mainly at his smile. "Thanks."

"I'll see you tomorrow right?" Shion asked as he walked passed me, through the door. I followed him again. I hummed as an answer. "Good."

I left with Shion waving and smiling at me. I admired him for smiling so much, even with all these looks. He seemed strong. I buried myself in my scarf, hiding my smile, and walked home.

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