Chapter 16

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*Shion's pov*

"What do boyfriends even do?"

Nezumi looked up from his book, his eyebrows raised, emphasizing his confusion. His stare was kind of unsettling, and I swallowed. But what else should I have asked? I had no experience whatsoever.

"What?" I asked and Nezumi returned his attention to his book. I groaned, climbed from my spot on the bed to where he was sitting in a chair. I rested my hands on his legs, just above his knees, leaning in closer to his face. Nezumi eyes darted up for a split second before he hid himself behind his book, ever so slightly. Slightly enough for me to notice. To notice the tiny, nearly invisible curl of his lips that had managed to grab my attention right before it was concealed. I noticed the glint in his eyes. It wasn't much, but it was there. And I saw it. Nezumi glanced up at me, only his eyes were visible, as the lower part of his face was covered by the book, hiding the most kissable part.

"What?" I repeated, staring back into Nezumi's grey eyes. They said so much, though also nothing at all. If you knew him, you'd see it. Otherwise you'd miss the best matters. The best, smallest looks in his eyes. The tiny, tiny spark of excitement, amusement, love.

"Nothing." I noticed the tease, the way he said it through a cheeky grin. And it was so, so appealing. Never in my life had I ever thought about anything like that. Why would I have? I never thought I'd even get close to having a boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word still felt foreign somehow.

"Then tell me what they do," I said, pressing my weight down, so I was basically pushing at his legs. Though they were way too strong, especially as he tightened them. I groaned again. Damn it, Nezumi, I thought, not only for his being annoying, but for the feel of his muscles as well. For someone who lived out in the slumps, who didn't have much to fill their stomachs with, he was very muscular.

"They?" Nezumi's eyes held a very, very cunning look, and I was certain my heart skipped a beat or two. Just like it had been these two weeks. Two whole weeks had passed since the incident, and I had ever so slowly recovered, Nezumi helping me. Well, mostly just kissing me. It did help though. We didn't do anything more than kissing, running a hand through each other's hair. We cuddled, baked together, watched TV shows together (with my mom somewhere next to us, glancing at us now and then, a creepy but loving smile on her face).

"You know," I said, my face feeling hot and I could tell Nezumi was enjoying this. He was enjoying this way too much. "The thing." Why was it so hard to say now? I'd said it so many times. Though the majority of times I did, I was either alone or not facing his stare. Beautiful, quaint, grey eyes watching me. And I was aware of how blessed I was with the privilege of having someone like Nezumi. To have my heart locked safely in the hands of such a beautiful person, who was really annoying at times.

"No, I don't know," Nezumi continued to tease. I placed my fingers on the top of the book, my fingers right in front his eyes. I gently pushed the book down, Nezumi's smile slowly fading. Not into something bad, more like he was concentrated or in awe. His lips were parted, slightly. His eyes focused. He moved, his body tensed. I felt it in the palm of my hand.

"You," I whispered, leaning in until our foreheads nearly touched, an inch apart. The tip of our noses brushing so lightly I almost missed it. I could feel his breath, hitting my lips like a soft breeze. "You're my boyfriend." And this time I saw his lips curl, the genuine (and also very adorable), small smile.

Nezumi leaned in, closing the distance. I shut my eyes, focusing on the touch of our lips, the way Nezumi pressed in a little more. And I couldn't stop myself from giggling as he pulled back for a second, abandoning the book somewhere next to the chair. I climbed onto his lap, awkwardly wrapping my legs around his waist and I just couldn't stop giggling, stop smiling as Nezumi pecked kissed onto my neck. He nibbled, he kissed, he sucked, he teased, he played with the hem of my shirt, he traced his fingers down my spine, snaked his hand up and down my leg, squeezing my thigh.

Then he grabbed my face with both hands, forcing me to look at him. He kissed me, light and brief. "This," he said, "is what boyfriends do." It sounded even better coming from him. More elegant, more meaningful, more real. He kissed me once again. Twice. Trice. He kept on giving me quick kisses. Though I felt them slowly become longer, not much, but I noticed. 

He kissed longer, more lustfully. He sucked my lips dry. I could feel the life being drained from me. I felt his hair, his chest against mine, his legs against mine. I didn't care about all those layers between us. All I felt was him. I felt Nezumi all around me. He was my atmosphere now. I didn't even want to think of anything else, to remember anything else, because I would only get depressed of it.

I wanted Nezumi, because Nezumi wouldn't leave. Nezumi wouldn't go, abandon me. Nezumi would stay by my side. Nezumi would love me. Love me more than anyone. My mother, Safu. There weren't many people in my life who were really important to me. Not many who actually cared about me, but that was impossible, because there weren't many people in this world who were able to provide so much love. Enough to take and give, to reciprocate that love. 

But Nezumi was my boyfriend.

I had a boyfriend.

The moment was perfect, like all the moments spent with Nezumi were. It was just the two of us, until, of course, my mother just had to walk in. "Oh," she said casually, laundry basket in her hands. Nezumi and I looked up at her and I think my face hadn't felt this on fire in like, forever.


"My poor, innocent, small child." She pouted, and I knew she was up to something.

"Mom..?" I said slowly.

"Nezumi, seriously?" she targeted Nezumi. "You're letting him top?"

"Mom!" It seemed my attempts to keeping things at least a bit normal were effortless, because Nezumi's loud laughter was in the way. It was adorable and sexy and endearing, but in the way. My mom left the room, not even taking the effort to do the laundry. She just walked away laughing, as I sat there in utter embarrassment, covering my face with my hands. Though I felt a smile on my face.

Because I happy, still trying to forget most of the things, but I didn't have school, which provided me a lot of alone-time with Nezumi. (And my mom). Time to bake, spend time with others, focus on other things. To move on.


When the mom interrupts the smut.

Well that was cheesy af. I just felt like writing some fluff hehe

May every mom be as amazing as Karan

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