Tagged ^-^;

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Sorry this is not an actual update. I'm trying with this story, I guess. I've just got a lot on my mind, sorry. But thank you all so much for still reading, liking and commenting ^ω^

LittleMissCiph3r  tagged me and sorry it took me so long to do this ^_^;

- tag 13 people
- Answer 13 questions
- Create 13 questions
- Mention who tagged you
- Put tag in book
- If you're tagged and you don't want to do it you don't have to

How old were you when you first started writing?
When I was like 11 or smth I already wrote these tiny ass stories, but actual serious writing started when I was 14 I think.

How many countries have you been to?
From what I can remember, 8 different countries.

Do you or have you ever had any pets?
Yes, I still have my cat (=^ェ^=) and my dog passed away a week ago.. (I've had many more pets throughout the years though)

Salted or caramel popcorn?
Salted. I've never even had caramel popcorn -,-

Favorite band?
I've got too many, but I'd have to say Twenty One Pilots (stfu they're amazing) and Crown The Empire or Get Scared

Favorite food?
Gummy Bears and Pizza

Latest you've stayed up ever?
The entire night (multiple times whoops)

I have two older brothers, but as trashy as me (kinda. I'm probably the most annoying)

Favorite wattpad story?
I haven't really been reading on wattpadd in a long, long time, but I'd say Unwanted - Ereri/Riren - Eren x Levi by Kattalee because it's one of the first I've read and it's absolutely amazing.

Favorite show?
Again, too many. Game of Thrones and Zankyou No Terror (anime)

Doughnuts or bagels?

Morning Person or Night Owl?
Night Owl, because I love the night, stars and the dark. Although I prefer waking up early too, because I want to have stuff done (like watching series)

What do you do when not shipping OTP?
Stare at a wall. Puzzle, as in the old-fashioned Disney puzzles because it's very calming (for me). Listen to Troye Sivan. Hug my teddy bear cause I'll die alone, write lyrics on my wall. I'll probably be at work then. Or do homewo- listen to some more music.

My questions:
1. What are your top 5 songs?
2. Favorite band and/or artist?
3. Favorite tv series (so movie series too) and/or anime?
4. Favorite book and/or manga?
5. Cookies or Candy?
6. Gore and horror or sweet and innocent?
7. Favorite Disney (or dreamworks idc) story?
8. Daytime or nighttime?
9. Have you got any merch?
10. Favorite game you've played and/or watched?
11. Do you sleep with stuffed animals or not?
12. What do you collect?
13. Favorite story/stories anywhere (wattpad/ao3/etc)?

And I tag:
panda_beerx  (sorrynotsorry)

You're not obliged to do this, so it's totally fine if you don't want to.

*in marzia's voice* thanks for reading ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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