Chapter 12

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*Shion's pov*

Safu and I talked about the most random stuff for hours, before turning on the TV and watching Grease. My childhood friend actually wanted to see a horror movie, but I told her, "if you want me to run out of the room crying and cursing everything, then go ahead and watch a horror movie with me." I wasn't exactly the horror type. So we ended up watching a more innocent movie, and singing along with the songs.

After the movie, Safu and I sat on my bed. I had dimmed the lights, causing her to look even scarier than she did when I saw her for the first time in ages. I tried not to look at her eyes, but their emptiness distracted me. Even when we were talking about nothing at all, she was talking and smiling, but she seemed to be looking somewhere else. I was afraid to mention it, or ask if anything was wrong. People always say that they want others to ask if you're okay, but the truth is: it's pretty hard to ask. My mom used to ask me how I was doing all the time. Every morning she would ask me at breakfast. Though after some time I got annoyed by it and she stopped asking regularly, only on Sunday mornings at breakfast after I had told her. Getting asked how I'm doing was something I liked at first, because then I could confirm someone actually cared about me. But asking someone if they're fine might not seem like much, but my mom once told me that she was always scared of what I might answer. That one day I might say I wasn't doing fine and wanted to give up. I never did, I tried to be fine for my mom, but there was school, and bullies. I usually asked how someone was doing, though. I liked it when people smiled and were happy. That's also a reason why I love being with Nezumi; he always made me smile and blush like an idiot.

Anyhow, there was a silence lingering between the two of us. It felt as if she was aware of everything, like he could read my thoughts, sense my uneasiness. I tried to ignore my uneasy feeling of the thought of something being wrong. Of something being wrong with Safu.

"Uhm, Safu?" I asked. She looked up, our eyes meeting in the process. A cold shiver crept its way down my back. She hummed softly, as to answer. "Are you okay?"

Her expression changed into a slight glare. Though it was just for a moment. "I'm fine. Why do you ask." It sounded more like a demand.

"Just wanna know, that's all." I said as I faked a smile. I decided to stop here and offered to go to sleep. To my relief had Safu's expression softened. The short moment of when she glared at me, it was pretty scary. Not the Nezumi-kind-of-scary-glare, but worse. Perhaps it was because Safu never actually glared, only sarcastically.

I lent my bed to Safu for the night, while I lay on the ground. I could still remember the feeling of Nezumi's body pressed against mine very well. That soft, warm and innocent touch. I sighed and tried to sleep, though I was too busy listening to Safu's steady breathing and daydreaming about Nezumi. After some time, though, sleep took over.

I was roughly woken, someone or rather something shaking me. I felt myself bounce on a cold floor beneath me. Every time I bounced back down, my head hit the floor, pretty painfully.

As I had opened my eyes, I realized everything was still black. For a split second I panicked and thought I had become blind. Something soft was covering the upper part of my face. When I listened, I could hear the tires of a car, the grinding of the wheels on the asfalt.

Without doing anything further, as I partly realized what was going on. I tried to stiffen myself and try to count how many people were in here with me. As far as I could tell, there were at least a few people. About two or three, I guessed.

"Is he awake?" A low, manly voice said. I pictures him as a big, tall guy. Kind of like Rikiga, but then twice. The thought of two Rikiga's grossed me out, though. He seemed to be near me, as if he was looking down on me. Although that couldn't have been all too hard, seeing as I was lying on the ground.

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