Chapter 11

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*Nezumi's pov*

This might have been the most boring weekend I've ever had. If you've spent a few weeks with someone and then abruptly be alone for a whole weekend, it's kind of lonely. So I tried going to Inukashi, maybe she'd have a job for me. "Oi, Inukashi." I said as soon as I saw her. She turned around and gave me a disgusted look. "Ugh, you again? What do you want?"

"I'm bored. You got anything?"

"What? You done with that kid?" She laughed her witch-like laugh.

"No, idiot. An old friend is visiting him."

"Tch. Whatever." She said and turned away to pat a few of the millions of dogs. I walked over to her, looking around at her dogs, who were either sleeping or glaring at me, some even growling a little. "What is it with you and your freaky dogs anyways?"

"They're not freaky. You are." Inukashi protested.

"How am I freaky?" I asked, an eyebrows raised.

"First of all: by looking like that."

"Like what?"

"Like a Nezumi."

"Gee thanks Inukashi."

"You're welcome." With that she stopped patting the dogs and turned to me, only to gesture for me to follow her as she took off. I followed her inside the giant building, where people slept with one of her dogs to stay warm at night. It wasn't really a good place to stay, but better than some parts in this village. The West Blok wasn't exactly well mannered, or rich. But people were stronger here. At least stronger than those pricks who punch people because of their own low self-esteem. It made me sick. It wasn't wrong to be weak, or to be scared. People shouldn't hurt others because of their own fears. What am I even saying? That kid really changed my mind, didn't he?

Anyhow, Inukashi and I arrived at her room, where I sat down on the bed, making myself comfortable. Inukashi leaned against a wall and stared at me, which was pretty scary. "I'm quite sure you're the freaky one here, Inukashi."

"At least I didn't go all lovey-dovey for some bullied kid."

"Shut up."

"I mean he's cute and nice and all, but doesn't it annoy you? I mean you're so different."


"So why him?"

"Because I want to."

"Of course. Boring as ever, I see. Anyways, Rikiga said he found something in the woods. He said it was something you'd like or something. Wanna check it out?"

"Sure." And so we left to go on a short journey to the forest. Inukashi had brought two of her dogs (apparently they had names too, but I kind of forgot), who were glancing at me the whole time, in a way like they wanted to eat me piece by piece. What did they think I was gonna do? Murder them? As if. I'd be killed by Shion if I did.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Inukashi asked, cutting of my thoughts, which strangely enough always ended up being about Shion.

"Nothing really." I replied simply, receiving an annoyed sigh. The trees in the forest were close to each other, causing it to be quite dark. Good thing was that it was in the middle of the day, even though I wasn't scared of the dark.

"Rikiga said I'd have to follow this path all the way." Inukashi said and started walking onto a small path, which lead to the side somewhere. I walked through this forest almost every week, so I wondered what Rikiga had found what I hadn't yet. The man didn't exactly seem like the guy who'd go into a forest alone. The small path was quite long and didn't seem to end. Until after about half an hour, I saw some light ahead of us. Walking further, towards the light, we arrived at a cliff. As in there was only water below. Below as in about 30 feet of nothingness.

"Huh?" Inukashi asked, out of pure confusion. I could relate to her. Though when I didn't look down at the sea, I saw a beautiful sky and a long space of nothing. Nothing was to be seen for the next few miles. I didn't quite understand how I hadn't found this yet. Or perhaps I had, but ignored it. I was sure, though, that Shion would absolutely love this.

"Wait.." I said. "That son of a... How does he even know?"

"What?" Inukashi asked, though when I looked at her, she didn't really look confused. "Someone talks about someone too much." She burst out into laughter, almost falling on the ground.

"Haha very funny." I said as I started walking away, back to my house. Though I stopped and turned back. Inukashi had stopped laughing and was too quiet for my liking. She was sitting with her legs dangling off the edge, her dogs beside her. I sighed. "You're gonna stay here?" I asked and she nodded. I contemplated for a moment, before sitting down next to her.

"Hey Nezumi." She said after a while, breaking the silence. The sun was burning our backs, but neither of us cared. I hummed as a response. "Be nice to the boy, okay." I frowned at her. She had a kind look on her face as she explained. "He's a nice kid and I've only seen him like two times now, but I can see he did you good." Then out of the blue she started laughing. "He turned you into a total softy." With that she earned a smack on the back from me, which only made her laugh harder and her dogs growl angrier. After she was done laughing, I sat back, leaning on my hands. She was right in a way; Shion deserved the best, so that's what I would give him. From what I've learned so far, is that he needs honesty. I might tell him something about my past, even though I hated that. But he needed to know how much he meant to me. How I had been so lonely and unwanted. I never wanted to go back to those dark days.

I changed the subject on my mind and wondered how Shion would be doing. He was probably having such a great time. I closed my eyes and shut out the view of the beautiful light sky, which reminded me of him for some reason. Perhaps it were the white clouds. It was quiet. Neither me, nor Inukashi, had the intention to talk, and the dogs were lying silently beside her.


the next day, Sunday, I went back to Inukashi. Though she didn't want me there, because she was busy. I decided to just go back to my bunker and read something. So I did just that. It was a boring, though peaceful, day. A few of the time I wanted to say something, but realized no one was there and sighed. I put down the book I was reading; it was about some guy who was all cool with his instruments and all. The only thing I wanted was some rest in my head. My mind kept wondering off to Shion. From his cute little smiles, to his determined expression. Whatever he did, it was cute. I knew I would see him again on Monday, but the feeling of when I held him as we slept, didn't leave me. Every time it came back, my stomach made this twist thing. I hated it. It only made me want to run to the boy and hold him in my arms, kiss him all over.

I sighed deeply and gave up on the idea of reading altogether. Deciding to go to that cliff from the day before, I put on my coat and scarf, leaving the small bunker. It was about an hour or so before the sun would set. I walked through the forest alone, remembering most of the way I had walked with Inukashi. When I had sat down on the edge, my feet dangling in the air, I stared into the world of freedom. Every fish in the ocean was probably free from everything. They most likely didn't have the feeling to run away and find salvation. Sometimes whenever I saw these oceans, I wanted to just dive in and swim to Zeus knows where, and be free. Although I would absolutely drown or get eaten by a shark. So far the freedom..

Though I didn't want to run anymore. I knew I had found my salvation, and I would make sure nothing ever happened to him. I would keep him as close as possible without looking like a creep.

Yes, I'm late with updating and yes I didn't have much inspiration, but it's here now :)

Anyhow thankss everyone, though we've gotta catch em all

P.s.: be free like haruka

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