Chapter 8

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*Shion's pov*

I walked back the way I remembered from when I walked with Nezumi, until I recognized where I was and walked home. As I was walking I wiped away my tears. I didn't want to hurt Nezumi, but I needed to figure out some things. And it wouldn't be possible with him near me. I also really wanted to see my mom. The bruises on my- and Nezumi's- face had magically faded almost completely.

"Maybe I could've left a little less mysterious." I mumbled to myself. When I finally arrived at the bakery, I sighed of relief. My mom was placing new baked bread onto the racks. I opened the door and walked inside.

"Shion!" Karan almost shouted, running over to me and hugging me so tight I felt like I was going to die. "Oh, Shion, I missed you."

"I wasn't even gone for too long. And uh, you're killing me." I replied. She quickly let go of me and apologized. "How's the shop been?"

"As usual. Just a little quiet without you."

"Good to hear that everything is normal here."

"How long are you staying?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Before going back to your boyfriend." As soon as she said the last word, my face was redder than a tomato.

"H-he's not my b-boyfriend, mom!" I stuttered, while she laughed. Though immediately the kiss from before was in my head. I hadn't really planned to do that, but I wouldn't mind doing it again. His lips were so soft and warm, like they could melt me with the slightest touch. I remember my heart racing so fast. I had thought of not doing it and just walking off, but another part of me wanted to see his expression. He looked so confused and shocked at the same time. I wondered what he'd look like with more than just a kiss--

"Yeah sure." Karan interrupted my thoughts, which were getting a little horny. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"Mom, that's so cheesy."

"I know, but it's true." She laughed. She then pinched my cheek for some reason, still laughing. "You're so cute Shion."

"Shut up, mom." I murmured and pulled her hand away from my face and walked into the kitchen. It smelled like freshly baked bread. I loved that smell. When I was younger, I used to just bake so I could smell this. I was a weird kid.

"Oh by the way." My mom said, interrupting my air sniffing. "Safu is coming over next weekend." If I'd be holding anything, then it would've dropped.

"Wait. Really?" Karan hummed back a reply. Safu was a childhood friend, whom I was really close to. But she had to move away for some reason, so I was left alone with the bullies. My mom had told me it was because her grandmother was sick, and she and her family were going to take care of her. "That's amazing! I can't wait!"

"Well sorry then, but you're going to have to wait. And you've got to be careful with her." Karan said as she was standing beside me now. "Her grandmother died recently and she's having a hard time." I nodded in understanding.


That night I couldn't really sleep, because two things were on my mind; The kiss with Nezumi and just kind of Nezumi himself. And Safu. She loved her grandmother a lot, like even more than she loved her own parents. They had such a bond it made me kind of jealous. But I was happy for her. And now I felt worried, because this must have been hard for her. I shook my head and turned around, trying to think about something else.
After an hour of turning in bed and trying to sleep, I decided to go take a shower. When I came back from the shower I took my phone and wrapped my blanket around me. I unlocked my phone and texted Nezumi, hoping he was still awake. Though a part of me hoped he was vast asleep, because I probably needed to explain some things.

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