Chapter 15

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*Nezumi's pov*

"-really like to get in trouble, huh?" A very annoying, familiar voice spoke.

"Inukashi, don't be so mean. It wasn't their fault." Another familiar voice, this one sweeter.

I slowly, very slowly opened my heavy weighing eyes, and I was greeted by the brightness of daylight it seemed. I flinched, squinting my eyes shut, only to have them flying open as I remembered something incredibly important.

"Where's Shion," I choked, my own voice hoarse and my throat sore. I sat up, ignoring my body's reluctance in the form of pain.

"Oh god, Nezumi, please lay back down," a woman said. She came into view as my gaze cleared. Karan. I looked her up and down before watching Inukashi come from behind her, a sour expression on his face.

"You heard the lady. Lay back down," he growled, sounding as stupid as the dogs he owned.

"I'm not one of your pets, Inukashi. Where is Shion."

"You sure are worried about your weird, little boyfriend, huh." Inukashi laughed, like it were so damn funny. Karan stood awkwardly beside us, as if she really wanted to say something, but too timid to speak up. Which was quite odd, knowing her.

And I ignored the vigorous pain in my head as I changed my position and grabbed Inukashi collar, pulling his face closer. The look on his face turned quite appalled, his skin turning pale. "Don't talk about him like that," I demanded, glaring straight into Inukashi's soul. He swallowed visibly, and audibly. Gross.

"Then let go of my shirt, dumbass," Inukashi gritted his teeth, talking quiet but intimidatingly. "Let's not forget who helped you get him back in the first place."

"Uhm, boys," Karan interrupted, and both of us turned our heads to face her. Her face was pale, seeming to be quite terrified, "Shion's downstairs, baking. Please don't start a ruckus, that'd give me trouble."

"Yes ma'am," we spoke in unison and I let go of Inukashi's shirt. He immediately took a few steps back for some safety.

I climbed out of bed, my limbs feeling heavy and kind of detached. But I ignored it and slowly made my way down the stairs because of my, indeed weird, but very cute, boyfriend who was baking.

When I made it, I leaned against the doorframe, watching Shion lost in thought as he fumbled with some flour.

"Why the hell are you baking? Especially now, out of all times." Shion jumped, turning so fast he nearly lost his balance and I had to stop myself from laughing.

"Why the hell are you out of bed, you look horrible," Shion fired right back, earning a glare from me. Which left him startled and flustered. "I m-mean, not r-really horrible, j-just not w-well. Yeah, y-you look sick."

"Nice safe, Shion." I rolled my eyes and limped to him, his expression basically screaming that he thought I'd do something. Or rather collapse any moment. But if I'd have to be honest, I felt too weak to even try. My voice and demeanor probably gave it away.

He laughed sheepishly, a light shade of pink flushing his cheeks. Such an adorable sight.

"I just wanted to get my mind off of things," he explained, speaking softly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

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