Chapter 6

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*Shion's pov*

I was ready to fall asleep on the spot as we'd been walking for at least an hour. Nezumi had said they'd probably already closed the school gates, which was true. So he helped my climb over the fence. I was bothered by my height, though Nezumi didn't seem to mind all. Well, it was an excuse for him to get close to me.

    Anyways, we had passed his house and were now walking to a forest. It was dark, now that the sun had set, which made the forest look quite scary. Ever since I was a kid I've been scared of the dark, though my mom had told me that she would protect me of all the scary things. I had believed her and already felt less scared. But when the bullying started at school, we had a fight.

"You told me you would protect me for all the scary things!" I had yelled at her. Tears were running from my eyes. My lip was hurting because of the cut in it. I could still feel the fist that had connected with my cheek. "You told me I wouldn't have to be scared!"

    "Shion, please." My mother said softly. Her hair was falling along her face, tears rolling down her cheeks. She took a step closer, making me take a step back.

    "You told me there was nothing wrong with me!"

    "Shion, there is nothing wrong with you." She had stayed so calm it had kind of scared me. Though the frustration and guilt in her voice were noticeable.

    "You lied to me!" I cried. I let myself fall to the ground. I didn't care that I was being dramatic. I was scared and pissed off. I knew I couldn't blame my mother, she always stood behind me, no matter how bad things were. Even now, when I was yelling at her, she tried to help me.

    "Shion." She said softly as she sat down before me. I had pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging them and hiding my face, crying. She placed a hand on my arm. She unfolded me, limb by limb and took me into her arms. I buried my face into her chest and cried as she softly whispered. "I'm sorry, Shion."

Every time I thought back at that moment, after I had encountered bullies for the first time like that, I felt so bad. I felt like she didn't deserve such an abomination as a child. Though that only reminded me of how supportive she was.

"It's okay." She said as she rocked me in her arms. She kissed the top of my head, holding me tight. I leaned back a bit, looking her in the eyes.

    "How can you love me?" I asked her. Something flashed over her face then. It was a mixture of hurt, sadness and pity, but it quickly changed into something more confident.

    "Because you're my son." She told me. "And you're beautiful, and I love you. And I will always love you, no matter how cruel the world will get."

    "Why?" I asked softly as the dumb child I was.

    "Because I know you love me."

Which was true. I loved her and cared about her. So much that even now, when I knew she was safe, I was worried. Nezumi had been right, I didn't want my mother to see my face bruised like this.

    "Oi, Shion. Earth to Shion." A low voice called as a hand was waving in front of my face. I blinked a few times and looked at Nezumi. I hadn't even realized we'd reached the forest and stopped walking. Nezumi was looking at me, his face, and everything else illuminated by the moonlight.

    "Sorry. I zoned out."

    "Yeah no shit Sherlock. What the hell were you thinking about?"

    "Just a flashback."

    "Well you look pretty damn sad. You okay?"

    "Yeah I'm fine."

    "Good." He straightened himself, though he didn't take his eyes off of mine. The moonlight reflected beautifully in them and it became quite hard to look away. Then he turned around, looking at the trees.

    "You aren't going to murder me right?" I asked sarcastically, though with a little seriousness mixed in it. My heart was racing and I wasn't quite sure why. I hadn't known him for long, only about two weeks, but we did know each other pretty well. At least I thought.

    He turned back and stared into my eyes again, looking quite intimidating. "Why would I do that?"

    "I don't know. It's a dark forest, anything could happen."

    "A dark forest slightly lit by the beautiful moonlight." He corrected me, smiling. I knew he wasn't going to hurt me, I was just anxious about dark forests.

    "You can trust me." He said. "I'm not going to hurt you, Shion. I promise."

"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, Shion. I promise." My mother had said on the morning before I had been beaten and freaked out.

    "The last time someone promised me that, I got hurt." I stared at the floor, afraid to look at him. Though I wasn't completely sure why. He sighed and took my hand, intertwining our fingers and gently pulling me with him, into the forest. His hand was warm. Not the sweaty warm, but the soft and nice warm.

    "This time is different, Shion."

We walked through the forest, ducking for low hanging branches and almost falling over the big ones on the ground. Nezumi hadn't let go of my hand, and I was glad of that, because it kind of made me feel safer. Maybe he was right and this time was different. Or maybe he was going to leave me in the forest without a trail of bread crumbs.

    "Okay, Shion." Nezumi said, grabbing my attention. "This is a pretty weird forest, but there's this small lake in the middle of it. Surprise."

    I laughed at how stoic the surprise sounded. But after a little more walking, we arrived at a small lake. It was shining in the moonlight, radiating the light onto the nearest trees. Nezumi took me to the other side of the lake. There was a higher part of the ground and we sat down there, our legs dangling above the water.

    "It's beautiful." I said, as if that wasn't clear yet. I looked at Nezumi, our shoulders nearly brushed. I scooted over a little, leaning against him. There was a small smile on his face, which caused me to smile.

    "Hey, Shion." He said and he stood up, pulling me to my feet. He wrapped an arm around my waist and the other one held my hand. "Put your hand on my shoulder." I did and he pulled me a little closer, grinning.

    Then we danced. Well, he pulled me along while I tried to keep up. But not soon after I followed his moves quite easily. We were looking into each other's eyes, while we were slow dancing. His grey eyes seemed to hold a spark, and it wasn't the moonlight's reflection. I knew Nezumi was beautiful, but I just noticed how beautiful he actually was.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. We were still moving slowly. This was maybe the best day of my life.

Here's some Nezushi fluff hehehe

*whispers from a dark corner* thanks for the likes and comments and reads and blablabla

But remember kids: don't cry, craft

I'm not even sorry

But adios amigos!

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