Chapter 14

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*shion's pov*

"Shion!" A voice screamed. I couldn't make out who it belonged to. It sounded distant, vague and quite unfamiliar. Everything was vague. My vision was blurry, only showing colors formed into unclear shapes.

My head hurt like crazy, all different sorts of sounds, voices, messing with me, it seemed. Why was this happening? Why was here?

The voices, creepy and persistant, were telling me things. Some I had to do, be obedient, some were just remarks, mean and hurting. And now there was another voice, somewhere deep in his mind, shouting. The others whispered, still very intimidating. I wondered what they exactly wanted. Did hurting me have a purpose? More importantly though, who is this Shion?

"Shion!" There is was again. It was too distant to grab ahold of, so I shook my head, which hurt and was a really stupid decision. But for some odd reason, I wanted to go there. I wanted to clutch it tightly to my chest, feel its warmth. Wait, why would I want that? It's just a trap.

Pull, a voice hissed, low and exsasperated. The.. Trigger.

Trigger, I thought, focussing on something ahead of me. I saw white, with a grey spot somewhere in front of me. It was moving, very slightly, but it was. Though before I was able to move a muscle, I heard something loud and shrill beside me. I recognized it, but uncertain of where I'd heard it before.

"Shut up!" It shouted, louder than the other one. I didn't turn, my eyes still locked on the grey figure, my target. I was unable to look away, as if my eyes were to aim for the gun. "Shion! Shoot!"

And so I did, pulling the trigger. Aiming straight at that same spot, I followed the grey figure leap and fall. Well, actually just tilt and move down, seeing everything was too vague. I hated this. I was angry. Why was I angry?

The anger only increased as it shouted again, probably the grey spot being its source. I felt like both my sight and hearing were failing me. I wasn't able to see or hear clearly. It troubled me. I gritted my teeth, causing a loud cracking sound in my head, making it ache worse again.

Shion, this was soft and close. Too close. Shion, shoot again. You hit him.

Hit who? Though without any further ado, I subconsciously pulled again. This time, nothing moved. Small red spots started growing on the grey figure.

"Shion!" It shouted again, now hoarse and painful. I could hear agony in there, along with an even stronger determination. It now seemed so familiar, so why couldn't I give it a place, or even a face.

Shion. Shion. It started in my head, randomly saying that name. Shion. I'm here Shion. This isn't like you, Shion.

The voices, all different, though with the same context, continued to speak. They annoyed me, hurt me. I wanted them to shut up and go away. I wanted that grey figure gone, consumed or not by that bright, sinister red.

Why won't my vision work? Starting to get desperate, I pulled my finger, squeezing the cold metal in my hand. I was sure a frustrated scream escaped me, followed by a bang, again ringing my ears.

Bang. They said, all out of tone, as if they were occupied with various things. Though they weren't as hungry and persistent as before. Instead they seemed rather calm, tired. Bang.

Shion. Let's go. I obeyed the voice, as a darker figure now stood in front of me, blocking my vision. Follow me. It told me patiently. Something dark, evil, hung around that patience. And I did just that, I followed, my limbs working on their own as I made sure the black figure was in my sight.

Save Me - NezushiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora