Chapter 5

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*Nezumi's pov*

That little brat just used me as a pillow! Not that I really cared. I was playing with his hair. It was soft and felt nice in my touch.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered to myself. I should get up and do stuff, instead of sitting on the couch with a kid sleeping on my lap. Though all I did was sigh and sit back, waiting hours for Shion to wake up.

I couldn't figure out why I gave this kid so much attention. Normally I did things alone, not really letting anyone in. Perhaps it was because I felt bad, because the kid couldn't save himself. Then why did I save him? Maybe it were his beautiful, ruby eyes. And that every time I looked into them I might get lost. Or maybe his snow white hair. Perhaps even that scar on his cheek, tracing down on his neck, leaving my curiosity to take over and wonder where it ended. And how he blushed so easily, the pink shade giving some color to his pale skin.

I shook my head and rested it against the wall. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me over, my fingers still playing with his hair.


"Nezumi?" I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by red ones staring into mine. A little too close. He was like five inches away from my face, his hands on my legs. I felt heat creep up into my cheeks. Shion frowned for second, before his eyes widened with realization and he backed up, mumbling an apology.

I shrugged it off and stood up, stretching myself. I felt Shion's eyes on me, but tried to ignore them.

"Why did you wake me?" I asked as I stripped to get into my daily clothes. I shot a glance toward Shion, who was looking everywhere but at me, blushing from ear to ear.

"Because it's morning and we'll be late for school."

"Oh right." I sighed. "School."


It was quite a long walk from my house to school, but manageable if you'd leave on time. Usually I took the bus to school- even though I hated them. Too many people in one small place- but we had missed it, so walking was our only option.

"We're going to be too late, aren't we?" Shion asked. I walked beside him with my hands in my pockets and nodded. He sighed and mumbled a sarcastic great.

"Why's that so important? You've never been too late for school?" He shook his head in responce.

"That'll give me a reputation." He said softly and I laughed.




I could tell he was searching his brain for a good comback, but I didn't really care. I was smiling way too brightly, though I couldn't stop.

"Rat.." He mumbled.

"That's my name, not an insult." I laughed. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and ruffled his hair. He was blushing again by the touch. He's so easy, I thought. Though I could only think of it as cute.

"How's your head?" I asked him after a while. I hadn't yet removed my arm from his shoulder, nor had he made an attempt to push it off.

"Like a head." He replied softly.

"I'm serious, smart-ass."

"It's fine. My eye still hurts a little. What about you?" He looked up at me, those ruby eyes looking straight into mine. He looked so innocent, as if he had no idea what he did to my heart. And it's getting too cheesy.

"I don't really feel it." Which was true. Shion's presence had taken my attention off of the pain. Usually I used the pain to distract myself from everything else. I had silently thanked the smaller boy for being there.

"Are you used to it or something?"

"Something like that."

"Should I be hanging out with you?"

"Probably not. But I'll explain later. Kay?"



The classes I had without Shion seemed to go on forever. As soon as they were over, I scanned the crowd for his white hair. Good thing he stood out. Though the classes I did have with him, seemed to be even worse. I wasn't really paying attention at all, since I shot glances at Shion all the time. Lucky for me, he didn't seem to notice. I also glared daggers at some people I heard talking about Shion, or who were giving us weird looks.

Why was I so damn protective of this kid?! I thought and shook my head.

After school I was sitting on the lowest branch of the tree I was sitting in the first time I met the mysterious kid. My feet were dangling in the open air, as I inhaled fresh air and the scent of the tree. I looked down at the place where I had spotted him. I could still see the terrified look on his face as those two kids stood in front of him. Though his expression was mixed with something else, as if he was ready to give up, like he knew something like this would happen and he wasn't going to try. Usually I would have ignored someone like that and noted him as weak, but something inside of me couldn't just do that. He was too cute to ignore. Plus that something about him made him mysterious, worth it to find out what it was.

"Nezumi?" A soft voice asked. I looked down. Red eyes were looking up at me, a questioning look in them.


"How the hell did you even get up there?"

"By being capable of climbing a tree, dummy." He studied the tree, then my face. I sighed. "Just place your foot there and pull yourself up on that branch."

He placed his foot on the spot I had pointed at, and pushed himself up with his free foot so he could reach the branch. It was cute to see him struggle like this. He was too small to reach it, so when he jumped for the second time, I caught his hand and pulled him up. His face was dusted pink as he settled beside me.

"Okay so you can climb." I said and he softly nudged his shoulder against mine. Soft enough that it had like no effect. He was holding onto the tree as if it were his source of life. There was some slight fear in his eyes.

"Are you scared of heights?" I asked. He looked up at me, his eyes trailed down for a second to where my hands rested on the branch loosely.

"A little." He replied.

We stayed quiet for a while. Shion was looking ahead of him, at the brick wall of the school. His hair dancing a little as a breeze passed. He was biting his bottom lip, like he was nervous or something. Though he seemed quite relaxed, apart from the fact he was almost squeezing the tree to death. He turned his head to me and I realized I had been staring. Again.

"What?" Shion asked softly. I shrugged my shoulders and looked away. The sun was already near to setting and I was surprised no one had seen us here. We've just been locked on school's property.

"Wanna go somewhere?" I asked and looked over at Shion, who was giving me a questioning look, but nodded anyways.

Somewhere huh ;)

Anyways! Thank you all for the likes and the reads and the comments, it means so much and blablabla you already know all this.

It's still vacation for me now, but when I go back to school, I'll probably post even less than I'm already doing (plz don't hate me..)
Butt I need to do well at school since I nearly failed last year...

Though I'm actually kind of liking this story, so I'll keep it going for now. I'm going to try to at least update every week.

Anyways, enough rambling! See you laters amigos!

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