Chapter 10

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*shion's pov*

As we made our way into the bakery, we were being as quiet as ninjas. I didn't turn on the lights, because I didn't want to wake my mom. As much as I hated the dark, I felt my way through it, while holding Nezumi's hand and practically guiding him. Without getting injured, we got up to my room, where I did turn on the lights. Nezumi immediately lay down on my bed, basically jumping onto it causing me to shush him. He was lying on his back, eyes closed and arms spread. I quickly dressed into my pj's (Mickey Mouse ones), pretty sure that Nezumi at least once glanced at me. I lay down in my bed, against him. I rested my cheek on his chest as I wrapped my arms around his torso. I listened to his breathing, slowly falling asleep.


The next morning I awoke, still lying in Nezumi's embrace. I yawned and looked up to see he was already awake. He smiled and kissed my head. "Good morning." He whispered. I smiled and buried my face in his chest.
  "Hey Shion." Nezumi said after a while, as I was now sitting on the edge of the bed.
  "Yeah?" I asked, looking over at him. He seemed a little nervous.
  "Can I see your scar?" He asked before silence fell. After what felt like ages. I nodded and stood up, taking off my shirt and pants, only leaving on my underwear. I felt pretty embarrassed of course, but it was Nezumi and I was sure he wouldn't judge. He sat up and stared at me, at the snake likely scar curling around my body, circling down my left leg. There was something in his eyes, mixed between fascination and curiosity. "So it's on your butt or--"
  "Nezumi!" I quickly cut him of before putting on some clothes. He laughed and fell back down.
  Breakfast mostly contained of my mother asking Nezumi a thousand questions. Like how long we've been together, what kind of things we did together, things about Nezumi himself. She only asked him because she knew I wouldn't answer and I was too busy being embarrassad. Though it seemed like Nezumi was having a good time, since he was all smiling and talking about me with my mom.

"Sorry about my mom." I said as we came back upstairs to my room.
  "Nah, it's okay. She's cool."
  "She's embarrassing." He laughed again. I really loved his laugh, because at first he only smiled and chuckled, but now he actually laughed. It was really cute.
  The rest of the Sunday we spent doing nothing but cuddling at first, though later we baked bread together. Even though we probably wasted a lot of baking powder, because we were kind of throwing it at each other. And of course Nezumi had to kiss me while covered in powder. Not that I had a problem with it.

Now we were walking to school on Monday morning. While walking onto the school's grounding, Nezumi glared daggers at anyone who would even think about saying something. We were just walking next to each other, but my appearance was enough already, I supposed. On our way there Nezumi asked about Safu, so I told him everything about her. A few times I was probably too excited, because he had to calm me down a little.
  So when I thought I needed some time alone, I was completely wrong. I spent the whole week together with Nezumi. One night we'd sleep at Nezumi's place and the other at mine. When we were in the West Block, Nezumi took me to Inukashi. She was really nice, though she and Nezumi weren't as nice to each other. When I asked if they were friends, they both cringed and shook their heads, followed by a weird joke from Inukashi. While they were talking about something, I occupied myself with the dogs, patting them.

After school, on Friday, we went to my house. I was so excited to see Safu again. She was my best friend, my first friend. I owed her a lot. She always had my back. So it hit me really hard when she told me she was moving. Of course I felt bad, because her grandmother was sick and all, but I felt like I was the one dying without her happy spirit.
"Shion." Nezumi said, cutting me off from my thoughts.
"I'll leave you two alone for the weekend."
"But I want you to meet and be friends and then we'll all be friends and--"
"Calm down, Shion." He said for about the millionth time this week. "I mean after I've met her, dummy."
"Oh. Right. Don't do anything stupid."
"You don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."
"No problem, I've got Safu." She was more like a sister to me and helped me out sometimes. I knew I'd be fine.

While I waited impatiently in the front of the shop, looking out of the window, Nezumi and my mom were in the back like normal human beings. Then I saw her; short dark hair, a scarf around her neck and a warm coat. I smiled from ear to ear and ran outside, down the street. When she noticed me, her face lit up and she started running too. We practically jumped into each other's arms.
  "Omg Safu! I missed you so much!"
  "I missed you too." She said and hugged me tighter. We pulled back and I looked in her eyes. Seeing her from close up, I noticed something weird about her eyes, though I couldn't quite place it. Maybe it was because of what happened to her grandmother.
  "How are you?" I asked her.
  "I'm good. You?"
  "I'm amazing! Cause you're here and Nezumi is here and--"
  "Nezumi?" She asked and that's when I told her everything about him, while we walked back to the shop. I introduced my two friends before Safu was talking to my mom and I walked with Nezumi to the door to say goodbye.
  "You'll be alright?" I asked.
  "Yeah I'll be fine. I'll see you Monday right?"
  "Good." He said and he gave me a soft peck on my lips, before walking away and saying, "Goodbye."

Safu and I spent out time talking about everything and nothing at all. Though, throughout the whole conversation, her mind seemed to be somewhere else. Her eyes looked dull, like mine did after she left. She must've been very lonely when her grandmother died and I wasn't there, I didn't even know.
  "I'm sorry, Safu."
  "For what?" She raised an eyebrow.
  "For not being there when you know.. What happened with your grandmother." I said and when I spoke the last word her eye twisted. It wasn't much, but it was there. As if she was reliving an episode from her past. Did something really bad happen?
  "What do you all know?" She asked, her eyes still dull, like she was looking through me.
  "That uh, she died of something. A disease I think." I stuttered. She nodded, confirming it. Something was really wrong here, though I wasn't sure what.
  That night I let Safu sleep in my bed while I slept on the floor. I couldn't sleep very well, though. My mind wouldn't let go of the imagine of Safu's eye twitching. I'd known her for too long, this wasn't right. Just right before I fell asleep I thought Safu said something. It might've been in my dream, but she said, "they'll come." Whatever that meant, it didn't sound promising.

It'll be less boring I promise! School's just also being a really mean dolphin.

Oh btw no hate on Safu. She's frickin amazing and if you are gonna hate on her then bye

Anyways don't mind my random quotes at the ends, cause Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care

(Thanks for all the support btw, love y'all)

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