Chapter 13

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*Nezumi's pov*

By the time it was Monday morning and I was making my way to the bakery, I felt excited, because I got to see Shion again. Though I also felt uneasy, something unpleasant gnawing in my gut. I tried to shake it off and enjoy the early morning air, but as soon as I saw Karan in front of the shop, concern written all over her face, I didn't exactly feel reassured.

"Nezumi!" Karan half shouted when her eyes settled on me. For a second her eyes widened a bit more before she closed them, sighing and looking very frustrated. When I got close enough she opened them again. "Have you seen Shion, maybe? Or Safu?"

If I hadn't been so shocked I would've heard the crack in her voice. I stopped dead in my tracks. Shion was gone? If I had been feeling uneasy already, then I felt like dying or sinking through the ground at that moment. "What?" I didn't want to know how terrified I looked.

"I thought they went to you?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"No, I haven't seen him all weekend because he was with Safu. Right?" I started to doubt. Goddamnit.

"Well they left a note." I raised an eyebrow as she said it, looking deep in thought as she spoke.

"What did it say?" I asked impatiently.

"'Me and Safu are going to Nezumi'." She said, as if she'd learned it for a school's assignment, reading it over and over. I frowned and gritted my teeth. Both of us were clearly confused and concerned. perhaps the two of them were just doing some stupid pranks early in the morning and told Karan they visited me so they wouldn't get scolded at. Although that didn't exactly sound like Shion. Safu had probably dragged him along, I didn't really know anything about her in the first place. But Shion is really smart and wouldn't do stupid stuff, except for getting in trouble. I didn't know how he did it, but somehow he always got into trouble. The two did indeed know each other very well, so Shion would probably trust her, seeing as he trusts people really fast.

I recalled the day when I first met the boy. His white mop of hair messy on his head, dancing in a passing breeze. Beautiful red eyes, that took away your breath at the first look, beneath his hair. His facial expression screaming he wanted to be anywhere but there. As if the tears were already in the back of his eyes, impatiently waiting to be shed. It was a pitiful sight.

Though as time went by, his expression had changed. It seemed as if those tears had never even been there in the first place. Whenever he smiled, it looked real. Not a quick feigned smile he sent people as we passed them, but an actual, white teethed, broad smile. I realized that when he smiled at me like that, the moonlight illuminating him, it was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. And I had been blessed to be able to hold such beauty, to claim it as mine.

"Nezumi." Karan said, dragging me from my train of thoughts. I couldn't really help it. I'd been waiting to see him again all weekend. And see him I would. Shion wouldn't just leave me. Even if he did, I'd chase him until we would be together again. I would reunite us over and over, until the goddamn sun burned out and he'd get so goddamn annoyed by me. That's how much I'd chase, or rather stalk, him.

"Nezumi, you're slipping away again." Karan said, waving her hand in front of my face before crossing her arms on her chest, a small smile on her lips. "Stop daydreaming about my son and everything you want to do with him, and get back to business." Her expression went back to serious. "Can you find them and bring them back for me? And probably yourself."

"Of course. You don't have to ask, you know." I said, smiling at her. Still I couldn't stop thinking about Shion (as if I ever could), because he would never do something he was reluctant about. The only option left would be that he'd been abducted, held somewhere. A sudden and nasty feeling soared up. Like a rush of excitement or joy. Though at that moment it was worry. I began to feel sick with apprehension, seeing as I always visualize the worst kind of scenarios. It probably wasn't that. He was alright. Shion's alright.

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