Chapter 3

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Jayson's POV.

Why the fuck did my stage manager have to ruin my god damn moment man? Ever since the studio session I've been craving Reagan's touch. His lips touching mine more specifically. I'm more nervous than I could ever be and that's something that's new to me. This is maybe my twelfth show and I wasn't even nervous at my very first one. Something about Reagan just makes me want to do everything the RIGHT way.

"Ok Jay so the set list for tonight goes a little something like this:

A Free Man's Life


Marvin's Room Jay Frazier Remix

and the last song is yours to choose." My stage manager Chelsea says checking off shit on her list. I don't really pay attention to what she says after that I just wanna focus on getting everything right for my baby.

Oh shit I got an idea.

"Wait Chels, So I can do any song to close the show?"

"Yeah but take into account the type of audience you have. Do something they'll like." I nod and continue with my rehearsal. I'm gonna unveil my first ever non rapping love song tonight. And make sure that Reagan knows it's about him. You see my father wrote and sang it for my mom when he took her on their first date. They died in a car accident five years ago. I miss them so much. But I know they're proud of me and are always in my corner.

As I'm getting my vibe on I see Reagan and his friend walk into the VIP Second Floor Lounge and I start to smile at Reagan. That's my motherfucking baby man.

Reagan's POV

"Y'all are fucking goals tbh." Yaris says as I finish telling him about me and Jay's little dressing room rendezvous. I can't believe we almost fucking kissed! We would have if it wasn't for that damn lady. I'm not really mad at her as a person but like shit.... your ass couldn't have knocked a minute later? The crowd below us is starting to get thick as me and Yari dance to Future's "Jersey".

I take another sip of of my virgin piña colada and I lean over Yari's ear."Right. But what were you and my brother doing before we met back up?"

His face got all red and he started looking down like he didn't want to say anything. Whenever he wants to keep something hush hush he always does that. I hate it! I guess I'll just be badgering my brother about it whenever I see him next.

We continue to dance until the DJ cuts off the music and begins to talk signaling Jay's entrance.

"Ok I want y'all to give it up for my man, the ONE, the ONLY, JAY FRAZIIIIEEERRR!". The crowd erupts in a huge fit of screams and claps. I literally screamed the loudest out of everyone in the crowd. He came out on stage looking sexy as ever and locked eyes with me. It wasn't hard for him to find me because I was screaming at the top of my lungs like a proud husband. Too soon?

As he's in the middle of his third song, a turn up song I move my body sexily and seductively. I bite my lip and wrap my tongue around the straw of my now watery drink. He bites his lip and starts to close his eyes and lean on the DJ's stand. Let me stop and let my baby focus.

"Hey can somebody get me a stool please?" He says over the mic. He had such a stage presence that nobody in the crowd spoke even through times he wasn't doing anything.

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