Chapter 9

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Jayson's POV.

I run my hands down Reagan's back in the parking lot of the park. All three of us were supposed to have a picnic out here but I don't know what's going to happen now that all this has went down. For the past two hours Reagan has been sitting here reading the numerous stories that have been ran about the picture ALREADY. Ever since I busted out on the scene I never paid any mind to the stories they make up about me because there's a difference between reputation and character. Your character is who you are. Your reputation is who people think you are. I just say fuck 'EM and let them think.

"Reagan what's wrong?" Kyrie asks as he climbs onto the mid section between the driver of the passenger seat. Who taught this little boy how to get out of his car seat? Smh.

Reagan sat up straight trying to fix himself up and wipe his face. Not wanting Ky to see him crying.

"I'm fine Ky. Wanna go and play?" Ray forces a smile and Ky damn near hopped out of the car with excitement. I smile at the both of them in adoration. As we get out of the car I grab Reagan's phone and replace it with my hand as we watch Ky run onto the playground with a few other kids. I grab the picnic basket off the top of the car and we walk over to a nice patch of grass near the playground so Ky can be watched at all times.

"I just don't want this to tarnish either of us." Ray says as he sits down criss cross on the blanket toying with his fingers. He does that when he's nervous.

"I knew what I was signing up for when I got with you. Don't let them ruin something that's true. We're gonna get past this baby. I promise you that." I grab his hand and lay in front of him looking him straight in his eyes. A tear drops that's been swelling since he sat and I wipe it for him. I hate seeing him like this man. If I knew me being famous would cause my soulmate to feel this way I'd pass it up in a heart beat...

"They're calling us the "Gay Tyga and Kylie"!" He exclaims covering up his face.

"Let them! Nothing we do is going to stop people from talking shit. Look at me." I pull his hands from his face. "No phones this afternoon. Just fun until 3. You, Ky and I are gonna be so busy we won't even have time to think about those low lives okay?" He nods and I shine my token goofy smile and we both laugh. I love him man.

Reagan's POV.

I smile widely as Ky sits in my lap on the swing. Jay pushes us but as he pushes us he starts whispering some freaky shit in my ear.

"When we get back-" We swing back up.

"I'm going to-" We swing back up.

"Give you-" We swing back up.

"The fuck of your life." He pushes us back up by my ass grabbing it in the process. I'm in complete shock right now because I thought we were having an ABC Family moment! He notices my face and falls into
the mulch clutching his sides laughing and the swing starts to slow down. I jump out of the swing with Ky in my arms and hover over him.

"Get him Ky!" I scream and we both start attacking him. I was stomping that ass,playfully, and Ky was hitting him with his little cute 3 year old punches. We're all just laughing as Jay covers himself up in the fetal position. I'm glad I'm around them to bring me out of these bad spirits.

Jay gets up and let's out a lion roar and I scream with Ky as he picks us both up carrying us to our picnic blanket. I start to take out the sandwiches and bags of chips.

"YAY! Yummy food!" Kyrie exclaims and starts to dig in.

"Absolutely not young man. Get some hand sanitizer." Jay says holding out a bottle of Germ-X. For him to be so young he definitely proves the young black father stereotype wrong. I smile at their relationship because it reminds me so much of what I have with my daddy.

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