Chapter 8

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Reagan's POV.

"Baby." I hear Jayson say as I feel the sun rays on my face. I open my eyes to see Jay in nothing but underwear opening my blinds. Memories from last night rush into my brain causing me to smile hard as fuck. I can't believe I lost my virginity at 16. I'm kind of disappointed in myself.....I told myself I'd wait till marriage. That definitely didn't go as planned. But hey it happened and I'm not gonna beat myself up over it. It felt good and was consensual. I wouldn't ask for a different first even if I had the chance. Or was gifted a new bootyhole.

I chuckle at my thought and Jay turns around unintentionally flexing his back muscles.He smiles at me and picks me up.

"I'm not some pet you can just pick up whenever you want to you know."I rolls my eyes and wrap legs around his waist.

"But you're so cute and cuddly?" He chuckles and buries his face in my neck."Last night was my first time."

I move my head rapidly so that his face isn't in my neck anymore."What you have a kid...?"

"No dummy." He flicks my head. "I meant with a you know." Oh. Makes more sense."Better than any sex ever might I add."

I jump down from him and walks towards my door swaying my hips sexily. "Fox's just do it better."

As I exit my room I smell something burning on the stove. I run downstairs with a scrunched up face. This shit smells like the whole fucking kitchen burning. I enter the kitchen and see none other than Reign and Yaris on the kitchen island making out all while what looks like eggs is about to catch fire.

"What the hell!" I hit Reign on his back hard knocking them out of whatever the hell type of trance they were obviously in. I grab the fire extinguisher from under the sink and start spraying down the stove as Reign and Yaris start opening up windows and doors. Once the smoke settles I just give Yari that "Okay hoe, I see you" look with my arms crossed.

"Aw shit Imma have to tell Dad. FUCK!" Reign yells as he punches a nearby wall.

"Smart. Make more damage." I roll my eyes and grab Yaris' hand pulling him to my Dad's office while Reign cleans up his mess.

If you're wondering why my parents are allowing my house to be a gay lovers mixer on a Sunday, they're not. They film for their Monday shows on Sunday.

"First off, I have tea for you." I say sitting atop my fathers desk.

"I have tea too. Let's both say it at the same time because I think I heard your tea last night." Yari says with a sly smirk. I blush from embarrassment. We're we that loud?

"I lost my virginity." We both say in unison and squeal. I guess best friends really do do everything together.

"You, Kay and I have to catch up tomorrow, but now I gotta go please my man." Yari says walking out and he drops it like its hot when he gets to the doorway. I giggle and shake my head. I love my friend.

"Um Reagan....I don't think these underwear are mine." I turn around and almost die. He has on my pair of underwear and they literally are about to bust.

"I must have yours on and didn't notice." I chuckle and pull down my pants. Shit! It looks like I got on a pair of basketball shorts. I scurry to the bathroom and throw his underwear out to him.

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