Chapter 15

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Jayson's POV.

"Is that you daddy?" I hear my heart and soul say in his cute little voice his little feet pitter pattering on the ground as he runs towards me.

I grab hold of him like its the last time I'll ever hold him. He's not mad. Thank God.

"I missed you so much my Ky." I whisper in his hear as he still clutches onto me.

"I missed you too! You scared me so much yesterday papa. Don't get that mad again pweeease?"Ky says looking into my eyes. I hate that he had to see me like that.

"Son, I did what I did to protect you and your grandmother. I would do anything to protect you guys and I mean that with every fiber of my being. I apologize that you had to see that though babyboy. You still love me?"

"Of course you big lug!" Ky says humorously and I shower him with kisses as he screams.

"Let me get some of him!" Ray says grabbing Ky and laying him down, blowing on Ky's stomach making a farting noise. I don't know what came over me but a single tear fell from my eyes. I can honestly call this my family. I want this forever.

Just as I was about to join in,I felt a hand grasp my shoulder.

"Keep him. He's a good boy." My mom whispers into my ear. I turn to her with a weak smile and engulf her in my ears.

"Don't even apologize. Save it. I would've done the same thing but these arms are a bit too frail."She says with a slight chuckle. She was right. My second mom Desiree was getting up in age. 52 to be exact. She's not immobile but her body ain't what it used to be. I remember she used to fight all my bullies back in the day. Even when my real mom was still here. Ha. Good times.

We end our embrace and for the next 6 hours,we ate,laughed,and played.

"Call me when you get done at HM headquarters. I love you so much babyboy." I say through the phone following smooch sounds between my Reagan and I. If this is how love feels, why do people always say it hurts?

I turn up to Future's new tape Purple Reign and do a little jig as I turn into the parking garage of my record label. They want to talk to me about my image or whatever. We just consulted about my image when they decided to ambush me and Ray after the pictures of us kissing were released so what could they possibly have to talk to me about. I swear this whole music shit is getting aggravating. Not so much the music making and meeting new people and performing, but the annoying ass people who want to micromanage every subsection of your life are making me want to just throw in the towel.

Walking into the crowded boardroom, I see my manager Chelsea with a worried look next to my label executives. Ok that's weird. Shaking whatever that was off, I swipe a water bottle from the middle of the table with all the refreshments and what not.

Major key to success: Water.🔑💧

"Hello Man of the hour." Jacob Gunn, the head of my label speaks.

"Sup. Not to sound rude or anything but why am I here?" I pour some water into the cap of the bottle, drinking it like its a shot. What? I'm bored.

"Well. At Gunn Records, you know that we like to strike the iron while it's hot. When Rihanna and Chris had their unfortunate event, what released the same year? Her multi platinum album "Rated R". Bottom line is,we need an album from you. The singles are on fire but they're not cutting it." Jacob says with a serious face.

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