Chapter 6

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Reagan's POV

I'm shitting bricks walking up this pathway to the door. I can not right now. My mom gave me that one universal black mom look from the tower and I can already tell I'm on punishment for life. It was a mixture between the "Put that shit down" look and the "Oh really" look.

I open the door and run up the stairs to my room as fast as I can and close the door. I need to buy some time for a story. If they find out about Jay and I I'm
definitely getting my ass beat.

"Reagan open up this door." My mom says I'm a silent yet threatening tone. Fuck. Imma just have to wing it.

"Hey ma!" I smile at her in hopes to lighten up the mood but she walks right in with her curlers and plops down on my bed, arms crossed and eyes slit.

"Talk." She begins to roll up the rest of her hair in rollers.

"Well.... the boy out there is Yari's......" THINK REAGAN THINK! Jimmy Neutron needs to send me some of his vibes right now!"Yari's older brother."

"How old?" She freezes her rolling motion and looks me in my eyes.

"17." I say looking down at my fingers. I know she's not gonna accept it because she doesn't like his "look". With us being "in the public eye" everything I want to do has to be reviewed and revised before I do it. I literally have a PR Rep that texts me every time I need to take something down because it my tarnish my family name.

"Well you already know how I feel about that." She rolls her eyes and rubs her hands on her thighs. What'd I just tell y'all?

"I don't get why.....never mind." I'm just gonna stop right there I don't have time for another argument.

"Say what you have to say Ray."

"Why does Reign get all this freedom and I don't?"

"Oh honey because he's an ADULT." This nigga still sleeps with a night light girl bye.

"I guess." She nods slowly and gets up to leave the room.



"Don't finish that sentence if you know what's good for you. That was for staying out all that time. Y'all kids must like for me to raise my voice because y'all just never straighten up." She says trailing off as she head downstairs.

I run my hand up and down the side of my face trying to numb the pain of the slap. Black moms take discipline too damn far. Like the cusp of severe physical abuse far.

I'm surprised she didn't take my phone though. I guess she feels bad because she "thinks" she's going to stop me and Jay from seeing each other. But she's got another thing coming. I know it's not safe and hella risky for me to be seeing Jay the way I am....some might even say selfish...but I don't know I just feel like that behind the music....he's different.

Anyways, I need to shower.

"Y'all what!?" Yaris and Kay both scream on the other end of the phone.

"We spent the night together and let me tell y'all.." I start wining and grinding on my bed as if they could see me and take in a sharp breath. "He's working with a python under them Balmain's."

"Both of y'all sluts got men and I'm over here stringing ducks along. When is my gander gonna come! I don't want these ducklings no more!" Kay whines and Yari and I laugh. My bitch hasn't really been in a relationship for a year and that wasn't even really a "relationship".

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