Chapter 13

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Jay's POV.

🚨 disclaimer;
this is the same day,just from earlier.

I crack up from Ray's last text walking out of my tattoo shop and getting into my car. He's funny as shit. I appreciate the fact that I've been allowed the chance to actually continue the relationship after having sex with Reagan. Most girls don't want more than that from me for some reason...Just bragging rights.

I get off the highway and head down the boulevard to pick up Ky. I'm so excited for today's plans! Once I get Ky, Imma pick Ray up from the studio then we're gonna have a shopping spree. I kinda ripped Ray's pants during our amazing experience 😏 this Saturday so Imma make it up to him. In addition to the fact that he's the reason that I have a Billboard #1 hit and a possible Grammy nomination. That's bae right there.

I pull into a parking spot near the front of the academy and grab the present I got for Ky. If he's been good I'm going to give him this Self Balancing Scooter everyone's been raving about. Kyrie's a really good kid and he deserves everything he gets to be honest. I open the academy door to again a room full of parents, presumably checking their children out. I asked my mom to meet me here so she could see Ky on his first day. I wonder where she is...I told her 2:00. I guess she'll be a little late.

Walking up to the desk I'm greeted by the same Red head with freckles.

"Good afternoon Mr. Frazier! Kyrie was just so darned good today! You're raising a fine young man. Quite the popular one though." She points to the door and I peek through into the playroom seeing my big boy standing in the middle of the floor being a goofball with all of the other children laughing and clapping right with him. I sigh in relief, almost ready to cry. He's gonna be fine. He was fine all along. You can't be there to protect him through everything Jayson, but he's okay right now.

"Thank you so much for keeping an eye on him...." I look at the name plate on the main desk. "Monica." Smiling I reach across to shake her hand but she looks at my hand weirdly, getting up with her arms outstretched.

"We do hugs around here." I laugh and we embrace each other. She's a sweetheart. I hear the front door ding and whip my head around in hopes to see Desiree. Much to my dismay, I see a tall guy whose facials changed as soon as he saw me. A look of disgust showered his 40 year old appearance. Yeah, whatever you can make faces all you want but talk out of turn and get fucking smacked.

Calm down, Jay. I say to myself as I finish up my signature on the check out sheet. These snooty bitches want me to show my true colors already? I walk over to the door with Ky's gift behind my back.

"Ky, time to go papito."Ky runs over to me with a huge smile and I get down on one knee and let his lips assault my cheeks. All the other kids groan and some even start to cry.

"We want Ky to stay until we go!" A little blonde boy says in a whine.

"Don't wowwey Bwake, I'll be back tomowwow!" He then runs over to who I assume is Blake and hugs him tightly. Aw he's already got a lil best friend!

I pick Ky up with one hand and we start walking out as he tells me ALL about his wonderful day. I love how excited he is about this place, not just about playing around though. He tells me he likes when Ms.Abby teaches them their 1 2 3's.

Behind the Music.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ