Chapter One - Let me see inside your heart

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1 year earlier
Katniss POV

He looks me in my eyes and I look in his, saying nothing, but it was that nothing that meant everything. He finally broke the silence, "I love you" he says.

I don't know what to say, I mean do I love him? We've been together for over a year and I couldn't imagine life without him. I guess I do. I Katniss Everdeen love Peeta Mellark. Should I tell him? After this inner war with myself I look into his bright blue eyes that hold so much hope and say the four words I never thought I would ever say "I love you too"

Peeta looks at me as if he can't quite believe what I've just said its like he's trying to believe it, well I can't blame him, I can barely believe I just said that. His lips turn in to a smirk when he says "Real or Not Real"

I laugh thinking of the game we always play just for fun, whenever we're alone and aren't sure what to do, or are bored we always go back to the game Real or Not Real, even though we know almost everything about each other.

I get so lost in my own thoughts I forgot to answer the question I'm only brought back to reality when Peeta tucks a bit of loose hair behind my ears and whispers again, "You love me, Real or not real?" this time I answer straight away because I'm certain,



Present day
Katniss POV

I smile at the memory of that day now, it seems so long ago, I love Peeta even more now, we've grown so much together, we couldn't be happier.

I hear my phone go off, and go over to the other side of my room to get it,

Peeta 💑
I'm outside are you ready? x

I type back a response and quickly grab my purse and take a final look in the mirror, I'm wearing my everyday look, black ripped jeans and a top with the shoulders cut out, my hair loosely pinned back as Peeta says he likes it when he can see my face properly without my hair covering it.

I run down the stairs and I think I'm almost out the door when my mum shouts "and where do you think your going?"

I turn around and have to resist the urge to roll my eyes "Just going out to the cinema" I reply

"With?" she always asks this even though she know the answer will always be the same

"Peeta, of course"

She rolls her eyes and says "Oh Katniss when will you listen?"

"Mum not again I'm late, just leave me alone, I'm going out with Peeta and you can't stop me!"


But I'm already out the door


So this is my first fanfic ✍🏼 sorry if it's not that good 😂

Hope you enjoy my story 👏🏼

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